[新闻] Syria's foreign jihadis: Where do they

楼主: noonee (我和烤肉间只差一撮孜然)   2014-09-02 03:23:09
Syria's foreign jihadis: Where do they come from?
updated 11:38 AM GMT, Mon Sept 01, 2014
By Richard Allen Greene and Inez Torre, CNN
At least two Americans have been killed in Syria, and the video of James
Foley's beheading is narrated by a man who seems to have a London accent,
raising fears about the number of American and British Muslims going to fight
in Syria. But do the U.S. and UK have the greatest problems? CNN crunched the
numbers from 25 countries that have given official estimates of how many have
gone to fight.
More than 11,000 people have traveled from abroad to fight in Syria,
officials suggest, although some have gone back home again. They ally
themselves with different factions, and sometimes change loyalties as groups
merge, disband or change allegiances. Naturally, countries with bigger Muslim
populations tend to send the largest number of fighters.
But some countries with relatively small Muslim populations have sent a
disproportionately large number of jihadis. Finland and Ireland have the
highest number of foreign fighters per capita
作者: gfabbh (David)   2014-09-02 03:27:00

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