UN committee urges Japan to ban hate speech
Members of a United Nations committee examining ethnic discrimination
have urged Japan's government to impose legal restrictions on hate speech
against Korean residents in Japan.
联合国委员会的会员 检视了种族歧视现象 敦促日本政府立法禁止针对在日韩人的
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Friday
announced its final opinions on racial discrimination in Japan.
联合国种族歧视消除委员会 在周五宣布对于日本国内种族歧视状况的最终决议
The committee met in Geneva, Switzerland to examine the issue for
more than a week. It was the first time in 4 years that the committee
examined the situation in Japan.
委员会在瑞士日内瓦举行会议 花了超过一个礼拜的时间检讨这个议题
The committee expressed concern over the spread of hate speech
against Korean residents in Japan through the internet and propaganda
activities using loudspeakers.
委员会表示 对于使用网络和大声公(扬声器)的宣传活动
针对居住在日本的韩国人散播仇恨言论 感到忧心
The committee criticized Japanese authorities for not properly
investigating or prosecuting those who fuel ethnic hatred.
A member told reporters at a news conference that Japan needs
laws that comprehensively ban racial discrimination.
一位委员会成员在记者会上告诉记者说 日本需要全面禁止种族歧视的法律
Last month, a UN panel on basic human rights urged Japan to ban hate speech.
上个月 一个联合国基本人权小组已敦促日本禁止仇恨言论