godivan (久我山家的八重天下无双!)
2014-06-16 18:28:35推 DRIa****:希望AIT帮练一支军队 我不想入党军..../___\ 06/16 00:08
Cantel 3. As new arrival Taipei I am being given the "treatment" by Formosan
Independence "Movement". Conversations with Peter Huang and Philip Ng and
perusal of their propaganda have served only to establish their utter lack of
realism, absence of any militant and armed popular foundation, and complete
reliance on US to achieve their aims and assure their livelihood forever.
It seemed desirable to attempt to straighten out their thinking in relation to
China scene as to US, and to prevent misconception as to nature of any
relations with me. In brief, they were told in friendly manner, as my personal
opinion, that Formosans themselves, unarmed, could not get rid of Chinese now
on Island