'..."The rebel with no specific gift for rebel- “没造反天份的造反者,注定
lion is destined to become the drone; and even 沦为人中雄蜂;其实说雄蜂还
this metaphor is inexact, since the drone has 不够贴切,雄蜂至少还有个小
at least a small chance of fecundating the queen, 小的机会可能跟蜂后交配,而
whereas the human rebel-drone is deprived even 人中雄蜂则甚至连这机会都没
of that small chance and may finally see himself 有,最终只会发现自己不仅完
as totally sterile, lacking not only the bril- 全没搞头,不仅没有人生胜利
liant life-success of the queens but even the 组的蜂后那样光鲜,甚至连工
humble satisfactions of the workers in the human 蜂在人间蜂巢里享有的小确幸
hive. Such a personality is reduced to mere wax, 都不可得。这样的人就只剩个
a mere receiver of impressions; and this condi- 石蜡泥偶,印啥就出啥;这情
tion is the very negation of the basic drive in 形恰好完全否定他的基本动力
him - to rebel. It is no wonder that in middle :造反。难怪到了中年以后,
age many such failed rebels, rebels turned self- 许多失败的造反家,自己也心
conscious drones, aware of their susceptibility 知肚明就是个人中雄蜂,成天
to intellectual vogues, adopt a mask of cynicism 追着文青流行打转,成天酸这
that cannot hide their more or less paranoiac 酸那,仍无法掩饰他那个什么
sense of having been betrayed by life."' 人都对他不起的被害妄想。”