Okinawa is a Japanese Colony
松岛泰胜:“我对冲绳的热爱是无止境的, 冲绳是我的灵魂和肉体。我在石垣岛出生, 在
冲绳的与那国岛长大, 和这里的人, 这里的文化, 这里的海和岛屿一起成长。
Ysukatsu Matsushima: "My love for Okinawa is boundless. Okinawa is my spirit
and my body. I was born on the island of Ishigaki and grew up on the islands
of South Daito, Yonaguni and Okinawa, among the peoples, cultures and the
seas of these islands.
大家已经习惯用冲绳这个名子去代表或取代整个琉球群岛。历史上, 琉球是一个独立王国
, 我们琉球人称自己为Uchinanchu, 日本人就是Yamatunchu。即使我去到东京入到大学宿
舍, 我也不能忘却冲绳的一切, 相反, 我对祂的热爱只有更深。
It has become customary to use the name of the main island of the group,
Okinawa, interchangeably and as representative of the whole LewChew chain. In
historical contexts, it stands for the independent Kingdom of LewChew. We
LewChewan call ourselves Uchinanchu and the Japanese Yamatunchu. Even when I
moved to Tokyo to enter University and lived in a dormitory, I could not
forget Okinawa. The contrary, my love grew even deeper.
奇的目光注视着我, 而且我不断重复遇上同样的人, 可是这样的经历不曾发生在冲绳!
When the Yamatunchu asked, “Where do you come from? What is your nationality?
” and I replied, “I am from Okinawa”, they gazed at my face with puzzled
curiosity. I repeatedly faced this kind of encounter, I had never before
experienced in Okinawa.
虽然我是冲绳人, 但我从小学, 初中到高中都接受日本教育, 说日语。1972年美国宣布“
交还”冲绳给日本管治的时候, 我是一名小学三年级生。当时我有一个非常难忘的经历,
有一个学生因说了琉球语而被老师在脖子上挂上“方言札”, 接受惩罚, 这是因为教育当
局强制学生必须使用日语的规定 ......
如果我们是同一个民族, 同一个文化, 为什么对于历史事实, 日本总有东西是不可以告知
Throughout my primary, middle and high school years, I had a Japanese
education and spoke Japanese, although I am Okinawan. In 1972, when the USA “
returned” Okinawa to Japanese administration, I was a third grader. At the
time, I had an unforgettable experience. A teacher identified one of the
students who had said something in our language by placing a “dialect label”
around his neck and punishing him, because the school authorities were
enforcing the rule that all speak Japanese. ......If we were one people and
one culture, how do we explain the historical fact that Japan did unspeakable
things to us?"
冲绳独立其实历史脉络上有着比台独更有力 更被在地人认同的理由
这篇当事人口述可以充分明白. 同样的事情. 即使换一个国家政府 其实还是一样
今天台湾如果不是以独立主权地位. 让日本人当我们是外国人. 而得到尊敬
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