wefun (TOEIC认证905分)
2014-03-30 10:30:23还是还原一下原先David Brown的最原始信件吧 删去记者以及Blogger Michael Turton
Thanks for sharing Bi-Khim's open letter. She deserves respect, but this
piece is a partisan statement of DPP views on the current crisis in the LY
You and others will note that it omits much of the story concerning the STA,
which the DPP has opposed from its signing last June. She conveniently omits
the DPP's record of obstruction of LY consideration of the agreement. That
began in the special LY session last fall and continued with dilatory
handling of forums on the agreement.
The week before March 17, the DPP had repeatedly prevented the planned
article by article review of the STA at the LY committee level. That
obstructionism was the proximate incentive for the KMT to ram through a
decision moving the STA from committee to plenary consideration on Mar. 18.
It is remarkable that the students reacted so quickly that same evening to
occupy the LY. The KMT has accused the DPP of instigating this action, an
accusation that many believe. Unnamed DPP politicians were reportedly on the
scene later that evening ; and the party endorsed the action the following
day, and then encouraged all its members to support the students' illegal
A DPP poll published a few days earlier had indicated that a plurality of DPP
members (40%) were dissatisfied with the party's knee-jerky opposition to
every step forward in cross-strait relations. So rather than have the DPP LY
caucus responsible for continuing to block consideration of the STA, wasn't
it in the DPP's interest to have students play that role?
Bi-Khim portrays this as a struggle for democracy. It's really another
fundamental clash of approaches toward the mainland and toward Taiwan's
future. But if its about democracy, is the DPP's repeated physical blocking
of LY action democratic?
The DPP's problem is that the KMT, divided as it is, has a LY majority, and
the DPP will go to whatever lengths are necessary to block the majority when
their key interests are involved or when it suits the DPP's election
mobilization goals to exploit issues for political advantage.
I suspect that the fall election is a key consideration in how the party is
handling the issue. In this country we would not permit such obstruction to
occur in the Congress, and we would not view the DPP's obstruction tactics as
legitimate democratic action.
Taiwan is a democracy in transition. It faces challenges and some of those
challenges come from the DPP.
joh (30分灭一国的匈奴)
2014-03-30 10:31:00最后一句很明显呼应主题
作者: yiersan (一二三) 2014-03-30 10:35:00
尊重David Brown的意见
yule1224 (支持自经区服贸货贸)
2014-03-30 10:35:00挺中肯的
yule1224 (支持自经区服贸货贸)
2014-03-30 10:37:00到底原本在哪 网络还真找不到
welly0923 ( N NN N)
2014-03-30 10:37:00说尊重,却有人把他打成党工
作者: yiersan (一二三) 2014-03-30 10:38:00
我没有啊... 我只是说这个非官方而已没有一句关于 党工
作者: yiersan (一二三) 2014-03-30 10:39:00
而且我也说 你可以不同意我的意见啊
welly0923 ( N NN N)
2014-03-30 10:39:00去数字板看看
yule1224 (支持自经区服贸货贸)
2014-03-30 10:39:00跟中文翻译 没差多少吧
welly0923 ( N NN N)
2014-03-30 10:40:00我最不爽的是只要有不同意见,一堆人就开始戴帽子
wefun (TOEIC认证905分)
2014-03-30 10:43:00原文贴过去了 让更多人参考
welly0923 ( N NN N)
2014-03-30 10:43:00之前早就贴了,直接有人说党工不必理
yule1224 (支持自经区服贸货贸)
2014-03-30 10:44:00那是故意给人戴帽子的
wefun (TOEIC认证905分)
2014-03-30 10:46:00只要贴不顺眼的文章就会被肉蒐 就算是David原始信件也一样
mrcat (猫先生)
2014-03-30 10:46:00说真的,他讲的也是本板很多人讲的事实,翻成英文就厉害了
作者: yiersan (一二三) 2014-03-30 10:47:00
不过 官方说法的话 也没必要只反正付费网站吧放在
welly0923 ( N NN N)
2014-03-30 10:48:00请先搞清楚那是给谁看的,
mrcat (猫先生)
2014-03-30 10:48:00老外说的如果不是事实,放哪都是错的。是不是事实呢
jc74156 (梦剧场)
2014-03-30 10:49:00所以国务院发言人不是直接在记者会暗讽这些学生给大家听了
welly0923 ( N NN N)
2014-03-30 10:50:00你认为一份价格为其他周刊3-40倍的媒体是给一般人看的吗?
joh (30分灭一国的匈奴)
2014-03-30 11:31:00其实老美用词都已经很中性了,用到批评的话就是极度反感,还不懂吗?