[震怒] 英国人偏袒中国游客,看见中国游客有钱就谄媚?

楼主: davidmalone (Anuo)   2013-05-25 20:20:45
英?dailymail: http://goo.gl/FmVb5
1、I've never met an uncivilised Chinese person. Every single one I've ever met was both polite and respectful. And how often do we see immigrants
from oriental countries in our news causing crimes? Not very often if at all. I have certain issues with some immigrant groups who come to the UK b
ut the Chinese aren't one of them.
2、What would they make of the English in Kavos??!
他们会怎么看待那些在希腊的英国游客呢? ? !
3、A good move. Perhaps the Korean government could do the same for Korean tourists.
4、It's about time someone told them to stop acting in that dreadfully rude manner, if only other countries would follow suit (including the US)...
5、I totally agree with that! I'm of Chinese descent and it is true that there are rude impolite Chinese people out there that ruin it for the rest
of us. People see us and they instantly think we are bad mannered like the rest of them! If all of them actually make an effort to change their ma
nners, I think people would be more welcoming and accepting towards the Chinese. Sadly, these changes are going to take some time...
如果他们都能努力改变他们的坏习惯,我认为人们就会更欢迎和接受中国人,不幸的是,这些改变需要时间。 。 。
6、The worst behaved tourists I have ever seen in London are French school parties in museums.
7、guide tourists to conscientiously abide by public order and social ethics, respect local religious beliefs and customs, mind their speech and be
haviour... and protect the environment'". Good advice to all tourists no matter where you are from or where you are visiting.
8、I'm pretty sure it's the uncivilized behavior of the Chinese government that hurts its image abroad, not the tourists.
9、I have nothing but respect for all the chinese tourists I've met. All were polite and spoke English very well, which is a lot better than many o
f the other more permanent visitors we have over here.
10、That's very good advice he's given, but I've actually never met a Chinese person who doesn't have manners (I'm sure there are some who are unci
vilized, but I don't remember meeting one). We know there are plenty of people in the UK who don't "respect local religious beliefs and customs, mi
nd their speech and behaviour" but the Chinese can't be accused of this.
11、Chinese tourists are not in anyway harming China's image abroad. Always seem polite, dignified people and give a far better impression in other
countries that Brits do abroad...probably.
中国游客从来都没有在任何程度上伤害中国的国际形象。他们是有礼貌、有尊严的人,比英国人在其他国家的形象强多了。 。 。
12、If you think the Chinese are rude, you should see the Russians
13、I have never seen a Chinese tourists or students misbehaving in Paris. The only little problem is that when they visit the capital in groups...
large and compact groups, they sometimes obstruct the entrances or the pavement.
14、Chinese tourists have never offended me in London. I think they are a credit to China
15、Chinese people are among the most polite hard working people we have here, I have never had any problem with them, tourist's or immigrants.
16、many youths in UK talk very loud in public, they spit on the floor.
17、What are Chinese officials talking about? Rude and unruly behavior are staples of British custom particularly during the weekend.
18、Maybe the British government should do the same for the Brits. They have to be the worst in the world.
19、Perhaps Mr Cameron could remind British tourists abroad to behave decently, Magaluf for example, you can't imagine what the Spanish think of th
e Brits here. For most of them it is a no go area.
20、The English, rightly or wrongly, are regarded as among the most ignorant and obnoxious tourists in Europe. I always make a point to let people
know I'm Irish, they always treat you better when they know you're not English.

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