考研为什么要看这种鸟书一堆废话 什么她妈的资金的机会成本干
我没有这种东西 因为他妈的我没有资金干
The Oppotunity Cost of Capital
As we have seen in this chapter, the interest rates we observe in the market
will vary based on quoting conventions, the term of the investment, and risk.
The actual return kept by investor will also depend on how the interest is
taxed. In this chapter, we have developed the tool account for these
differences and gainsd some insights into how interest rates.
In chapter 3, we argued that the "market interest rate" provides the exchange
rate that we need to compute present values and evaluate an investment
oppotunity. But with so many interest rate to choose from, the term
"market interest rates" is inherently ambigoius. Therefore, going foward,
we will base the discount rate that we use to evaluate cash flows on the
investor's opportunity cost of capital (or more simply, the cost capital),
which is the best available expected return offered in the market on an
investmen of comparable risk and term to the cash flow being discounted.
The cost of capital is clearly relevant for a firm seeking to raise
capital from outside investors. In order to attract funds, the firms
must offer an expected return comparable to what investors could earn
elsewhere with risk and horizon. The same logic applies when a firm
considers a project it can fund internally. Because any funds invested
in a new project could be returned to shareholders to invest elsewhere
,the new project should be taken only if it offers a better return than
sharesholders' other opportunities.
Thus, the oppornuity cost of capital provides the benchmark agains
which the cash flows of the new investment should be evaluated. For a
risk-free project, it will typically correspond to the U.S. Treasury
security with a similar term. The cost of capital for risky projects
will often exceed this amount, depending on the nature and magnitude
of the risk. We will develope tools for estimating the cost of capital
for risky projects in Part 4.
落落长一堆 利率怎么决定 看你多会投资 你有更好投资机会的投报率以上当折现率
无风险投资计画利率基准通常用美国国库券投报率 唉唷 经过2022敢说这种话吗(X)
有风险投资计画利率端视她风险的本质和强度 这是干话吗
赚P币给人被停权跟九张罚单我也不知道那是怎么判出来的 不过是还好这里还没提到WAAC啦 还在市场利率对民众而言投资者观点 WAAC应该是后面公司发行者观点这几年有台积电公司债很夯呀XD大概了解你难处他们都把你说成疯子只是要无效你说的话而已 你一直都很理性我知道
没办法 我现在也看到这种情形.. 希望你心情放松点这里给初学者看的折现率 所以看自己的机会成本决定我不该用市场利率说 市场利率就央行重贴现率为上限同业拆款市场决定银行彼此借贷的资金利率以此为基准 各种金融商品外加个肿风险贴水所以准确来说应该是金融商品对投资者而言的投报率才会说要看投资者那笔投资资金的机会成本WAAC也是看公司信用决定发债的利率 和股价要求报酬加权平均出来的 发行者筹资机会成本
结果我说的两个好像都不是市场利率 哈哈那个判决很莫名呀 我也知道他们要我噤声所以没申诉不过罚单还是要缴 发现打英文钱比较多英文单字字符数比较多吧 一句话就很赚不过我测试过 还是有些防乱打字的机制漏洞是你可先打一堆字发文后 P币就不会因为修改变更后面在删掉违规部分文章内容就好了可是字乱打她没算钱美国的话就联邦资金利率吧 她才提到国库券3m treasury bill我是指台积电真的有发行公司债 不是在美国的ADR
一种米饲百样人 远离就好了 赚完P币我也要闪了有时候牵扯利益纠葛 或他们有特定性目的 我们不清楚又或著是真的喜欢以这样方式对待别人 远离就好了之所以开始上线也是为厘清一些事情不过看来也没必要了 甚至挺后悔的 现在只能帮嘴巴坏的嗯..收拾残局应不应该忽然回锅这里的 这里跟五六年前截然不同了我看的出来你会很多东西呀 只是你可能没去看原文吧我说的东西是帮原文里的的内容做注解而已反而你很快就提到比较后面才会学到的东西了初学者才会去想到资金的机会成本吧 后面都WAAC了或是各种投资者角度的 债券 股票定价模式我也不知道他们欠了你什么 不过你还是可以现在起步在能够掌握的范围内尽量把握机会希望保持愉快乐观的心态 这样对做事情也比较有助益假若你因为他们陷入负面情绪不就反而让他们达成目的了? 保持良好心态不与他们起冲突稳固自己是我现在首要目标