try not to be furocious but cant stop being so
it might be a world the greedy deseve to be torchured
the fact is the needy and the weak suffers more than other beasts
i hope that one cae be more stronger and conquer the weakness in
his mind
But that stupid shit just keep wondering and cannot make up his mind
he always bits around the bush and keep running out of everyone's sight
to be honest it's the time to get those ass fucked up and start interrogate
all of them one by one
why you always give up and get those things out of your mind
is that fair to behave you self like a chicken and let your family down
if you won't thrive then we will take action
你娘亲勒 忘记补中文干你马的 正要冲说干
去死吧垃圾 有话不说就丧失机会 我最近