Re: [新闻] 男友也支持“手天使”阿南:我给自己

楼主: EdwardBrock (Edward Brock Jr.)   2015-08-03 10:04:25
: 推 matsui07: 我想到的是舒琪跟邱淑贞那一片 07/27 13:15
double 7: How many have you done up today?
double 9: Didn't stop at all, I wanked so much that my hands numb.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9...
double 7: So many nine?
double 9: Must be nine.
double 7: I owe loan-shark as I like gambling, why do you work so hard?
double 9: For the sake of my man, he pampers me so I work hard.
double 7: He lets you wank for men all day? Is tht pampering?
double 9: If he doesn't, he'd ask me to be prostitute.
作者: magensky (Go with the flow)   2015-08-03 16:33:00
this is book
作者: u9612021 (小毛)   2015-08-13 01:36:00

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