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作者: TwoFour (小布) 看板: NDS
标题: [情报] 和田康裕:牧场物语系列差点腰斩
时间: Sun Mar 11 13:40:22 2012
It wasn't all that easy to apply the concept of living life in the
countryside to a game design document," said Yasuhiro Wada, creator of the
Harvest Moon franchise.
Wada had moved to Tokyo after being brought up in the countryside. Though he
had no interest in returning to that environment, he finally understood its
advantages compared to the big city, and thus wanted to turn that experience
into a game. The problem was that he didn't know how.
"I needed to nail the player experience," said Wada, but he had a problem:
"How do you express the game system of living while working?"
"我必须把目光集中在玩家体验上" 但问题来了,要如何一边工作又一边把生活的游戏系
The Missing Ingredient
He had come up with the idea of a game where the player raises cattle after
playing the popular-in-Japan Derby Stallion horse breeding and racing series,
but it wasn't coming together as a concept.
"When raising a cow, you communicate with your heart and give it a lot of
love," he said. "Just imagine how hard it was to represent these actions
within the game."
?"It can get pretty boring if everything is presented in a calm and composed
manner," he said. Though he thought that diligent work on the part of the
player "would feel like a reward, just like in real life," the game design
wasn't turning out to be interesting enough.
难 "如果每件事都以冷静,沉稳方式来表现,那也会变得太无聊" 虽然他认为,玩家在勤
奋工作后会觉得就像犒赏一样,跟现实生活一样" 这样的游戏设计结果也不会够有趣。
"Too much work would cause stress to the player," he said. "It just didn't
Though he'd arrived at the idea of also creating a village where the player
could interact with the townspeople, "the actions seemed repetitive and way
too simple," Wada said.
"This is when I realized the greatness of a battle or combat system," he
said. "By developing a combat system you can give a simple game a lot of
depth or pacing. Because the project had the concept of a non-combative game,
we did not have the depth and pacing from the beginning."
The solution? "We came up with the idea of farming," he said. "This core
mechanic of farming sounded more promising than the human interaction and the
raising and breeding of cows."
解决方法是? "我们就想到了牧场啦",牧场这个核心系统比起和人互动,抚养及养牛来得
Of course, he says, "fast forward to today; there are a lot of social games"
that concentrate on farming, but at the time, the concept was untested.
The farming element was inspired by SimCity and Zelda, he said.
Once he saw the prototype, he knew it would work. "Once you worked on the
land, you wanted to go back and see."
"We saw the first sprout appeared... It may sound simple right now, but I
will never forget the moment I saw that on screen. It was pretty amazing, and
I knew we could do this. I said to our team, 'Let's continue to make this
Development progressed smoothly for six months until the first playable ROM,
but when the three game elements