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The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis
by Fred Ramsey, Daniel L. Schafer
清大统研 统计实务
amazon连结 https://goo.gl/7AJpLH 售200
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
By Richard A. Johnson , By Dean W. Wichern
清大统研 多变量分析
参考连结 https://goo.gl/zig0MI 售200
Sampling Methods for Applied Research: Text and Cases
by Peter Tryfos
成大统计 抽样调查
参考连结 http://goo.gl/UFKtf1 售200
Mathematical Statistics: Basic Ideas and Selected Topics, Vol I (2nd Edition)
2nd Edition
by Peter J. Bickel Kjell A. Doksum
清大统研 数理统计
amazon连结 https://goo.gl/z8Fngr 售200
Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics (Duxbury Classic) 2nd
by Lee J. Bain Max Engelhardt
成大统计 数理统计
amazon连结 https://goo.gl/87nYeq 售200
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8.统计学(统计所应数所)各校历届试题详解94-91年 by郭明庆 售200
9.统计学(数统类)各校历届试题详解92-90年 by郭明庆 售200
10.统计学理论与应用(下) by程大器 售50
参考连结 http://goo.gl/UIhbiE
11.统计导论 Hoel Port Stone 詹世煌翻译 售50
清大统研硕士班考试参考书中译本Hoel、Port、Stone:Introduction to Statistical
Theory http://goo.gl/mDdPby
参考连结 http://goo.gl/Pt9sWo
12.统计推论(Casella/ Statistical Inference 2/e) 译者:张纮炬,张瀚文
参考连结 https://goo.gl/MWe6iK 售300
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