台大电机97 11(D)
After inserting a new node to an AVL tree, at most two rotation are needed to
re-balanced the tree.(False)
台大电机97 15 After inserting a new node to a red-black tree, at most two r
otation are needed to re-balanced the tree.(True)
AVL/R-B insert: [DS]1 Rotation [Algo]2 Rotation
AVL/R-B delete: [DS]2 Rotation [Algo]3 Rotation
是说因为algo视double rotation 为两次rotate,single rotation 为一次rotate。 在
insert时,最多可能发生一次double rotation,所以称为”at most two rotation”。
在deletion时,可能发生一次single rotation,再发生一次double rotation,所以”at
most three rotation”?