(1) Software may trigger a hardware interrupt by executing a special operation cal led a system call. 答案:True 问题:想请教 软件产生的中断不是称为software interrupt(trap)吗 —————————— (2) The Round Robin CPU scheduling algorithm was designed especially for interacti ve system. 答案:False,应该为Time sharing system 问题:疑问的点在于time sharing system 不就算是一个interactive system了吗 —————————— (3) Whose ones of the following operations involve at least one system call? 选项:Displaying a window on the screen 问题:想请教为什么此选项至少有一次system call —————————— 以上的问题是有上题库班的朋友跟我讨论时的疑问,来请教大家 谢谢!