[理工] 103台大-第3题 dimension

楼主: JacobSyu (JacobSyu)   2014-12-27 01:30:38
(a) If the dimension of the vector space M7x4(C) of matrices with senen rows
and four columns over the field C of complex numbers equals the dimension of
the vertor space R^n of n-tuples over the field R of real numbers, then
(b) Let A be an mxn matrix over the field R of real numbers, if the m rows of
A are linearly independent, then the dimension of the vector space spanned by
the n rows of A is _____.
(c) If U and V are two distubct subspaces of a vector space W with dim(W)=6,
then dim(U∩V) is either _____ or _____.
(b):spanned by the n rows of A...考券应该打错了columns
作者: mikeing27 (水箭龟)   2014-12-27 03:05:00
(a)28 (b)m (c)看不懂不知道可以填啥
楼主: JacobSyu (JacobSyu)   2014-12-27 03:17:00
1nd soul, dim(U+V)=dim(U)+dim(V)-dim(U union V)subspace、sum space与原vector space维度相同(?6=6+6-dim(U union V),dim(U union V)=6...? 观念有误交集打成union...谢谢mikeing27大,(a)(b)也在问,我真够蠢= =
作者: j897495 (咪咪)   2014-12-27 17:21:00
楼主: JacobSyu (JacobSyu)   2014-12-27 18:49:00
为什么是0~5,子空间应该与原空间同维度才可比较吧交集仍为子空间,联集除非U包V or V包U不要理我上上楼的回复...

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