usingPTT ( PTT使用中 )
2025-02-18 07:30:22※ 引述《arrenwu (最是清楚哇她咩)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《valkyrie (1234)》之铭言:
: : ai越来越聪明
: : 马斯克预测 到今年底 ai智商将超越所有人类
: : 尤其是资工 程式工作 将迅速被ai取代
: : 真的有这么可怕?
: 别担心 马斯克还说过他很有信心Tesla将在2021达到 L5自动驾驶 (方向盘可拔掉的程度)
: Link: https://bit.ly/41jVpP1
: 投资者问他:
: "Why are you confident Tesla will achieve Level 5 autonomy in 2021?"
: 马斯克回应
: "I guess, I'm confident based on my understanding of the technical roadmap
: and the progress that we're making between each beta iteration."
: 从结果看起来,马斯克当时要不是在唬烂,不然就是他根本就不了解技术内涵
: 所以想学程式的可以继续学了
: 从整体观测来看,其实马斯克对AI是挺不感兴趣的
对 Tesla 没概念,不过 Link 有一段如下:
"So you've got 8 cameras operating simultaneously with synchronized frame
rates. So you've got 8 frame surround video - 8 camera surround video. And
then you've got to label basically everything in that video snippet and then
train against that and have those neural nets operate the car."
还是每台车都有一个小 AI?