[新闻] 被诈骗?那是阿兹海默症的前兆!

楼主: STAV72 (刁民党党务主委)   2024-09-07 10:08:55
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由 南加州大学
by University of Southern California
Falling for financial scams? It may signal early Alzheimer's disease
September 6, 2024
Falling for financial scams? It may signal early Alzheimer's disease
by University of Southern California
Older adults who are more vulnerable to financial scams may have brain
changes linked to a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease, according to a
first-of-its-kind study led by researchers at the USC Dornsife College of
Letters, Arts and Sciences.
Nearly 7 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease, the fifth
leading cause of death among those 65 and older. The disease will carry an
estimated $360 billion in health care costs this year alone, according to the
Alzheimer's Association.
由 南加州大学
近 700 万美国人患有阿兹海默症,这是 65 岁及以上老年人的第五大死因。据阿兹海默
症协会称,光是今年,这种疾病就将带来约 3,600 亿美元的医疗费用。
Researchers led by Duke Han, professor of psychology and family medicine at
USC Dornsife, aimed to better understand the link between early Alzheimer's
disease and financial vulnerability by using high-powered MRI to examine the
brains of 97 study participants over age 50.
The scientists focused on the entorhinal cortex, a region that acts as a
relay station between the hippocampus—the brain's learning and memory center
—and the medial prefrontal cortex, which regulates emotion, motivation and
other cognitive functions. It is often the first region to show changes in
Alzheimer's disease, typically becoming thinner as the disease progresses.
由南加州大学多恩西夫分校心理学和家庭医学教授 Duke Han 领导的研究人员旨在透过使
用高能MRI 检查97 名50 岁以上研究参与者的大脑,更好地了解早期阿兹海默症与财务脆
None of the study participants, age 52 to 83, showed clinical signs of
cognitive impairment, but all underwent MRI scans to measure the thickness of
their entorhinal cortex.
In addition, the researchers used a standardized tool called a Perceived
Financial Exploitation Vulnerability Scale (PFVS) to assess the participants'
financial awareness and their susceptibility to poor financial decisions,
which they term "financial exploitation vulnerability," or FEV.
年龄在 52 岁至 83 岁之间的研究参与者均未表现出认知障碍的临床症状,但所有人都接
受了 MRI 扫描以测量内嗅皮质的厚度。
此外,研究人员还使用了一种名为“感知金融剥削脆弱性量表”(PFVS) 的标准化工具来
By comparing the adults' FEV with the thickness of their entorhinal cortex,
Han and the team found a significant correlation: Those more vulnerable to
financial scams had a thinner entorhinal cortex.
This was especially true for participants age 70 and older. Previous research
has linked FEV to mild cognitive impairment, dementia and certain molecular
brain changes associated with Alzheimer's disease.
透过比较成年人的 FEV 与其内嗅皮质的厚度,Han 和团队发现了显著的相关性:那些更
对于 70 岁及以上的参与者来说尤其如此。先前的研究已将 FEV1 与轻度认知障碍、痴呆
Han, who holds a joint appointment at Keck School of Medicine of USC, says
the findings provide crucial evidence supporting the idea that FEV could be a
new clinical tool for detecting cognitive changes in older adults—changes
that are often difficult to detect.
"Assessing financial vulnerability in older adults could help identify those
who are in the early stages of mild cognitive impairment or dementia,
including Alzheimer's disease," Han said. He added, however, that financial
vulnerability alone is not a definitive indicator of Alzheimer's disease or
other cognitive decline. "But assessing FEV could become part of a broader
risk profile," he said.
南加州大学凯克医学院共同任命的 Han 表示,这些发现提供了重要的证据,支持 FEV 可
韩说: “评估老年人的财务脆弱性可以帮助识别那些处于轻度认知障碍或痴呆症(包括
认知能力下降的明确指标。 “但评估 FEV 可能成为更广泛风险状况的一部分,”他说。
Han also noted several limitations of the study. Most participants were
older, white, highly educated women, making it difficult to generalize the
findings to a more diverse population. Additionally, while the study found a
link between entorhinal cortex thickness and FEV, it does not prove one.
Finally, the study does not include specific measures of Alzheimer's disease
These limitations leave open the possibility that the relationship between
FEV and entorhinal cortex thinning could be explained by other factors.
Accordingly, Han said that more research, including long-term studies with
diverse populations, is needed before FEV can be considered a reliable
cognitive assessment tool.
因此很难将研究结果推广到更多样化的人群。此外,虽然研究发现内嗅皮质厚度与 FEV
这些限制使得 FEV 与内嗅皮质变薄之间的关系可以透过其他因素来解释。因此,Han 表
示,在 FEV1 被视为可靠的认知评估工具之前,需要进行更多的研究,包括对不同族群的
The work is published in the journal Cerebral Cortex.
In addition to Han, study authors include Laura Fenton, Aaron Lim, Jenna
Axelrod and Daisy Noriega-Makarskyy of USC Dornsife; Lauren Salminen, Hussein
Yassine and Laura Mosqueda of Keck School of Medicine of USC; Gali
Weissberger of Israel's Bar-Ilan University; and Annie Nguyen of the
University of California, San Diego.
More information: Laura Fenton et al, Lower entorhinal cortex thickness is
associated with greater financial exploitation vulnerability in cognitively
unimpaired older adults, Cerebral Cortex (2024). DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhae360
Journal information: Cerebral Cortex
除了 Han 之外,研究作者还包括南加州大学多恩西夫分校的 Laura Fenton、Aaron Lim
、Jenna Axelrod 和 Daisy Noriega-Makarskyy;南加州大学凯克医学院的 Lauren
Salminen、Hussein Yassine 和 Laura Mosqueda;以色列巴伊兰大学的 Gali
Weissberger;和加州大学圣地牙哥分校的 Annie Nguyen。
更多资讯: Laura Fenton 等人,下内嗅皮质厚度与认知未受损的老年人更大的金融剥削
期刊资讯: 大脑皮层
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