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2024-08-03 16:19:25国际拳击协会(IBA)将颁发奖金给打输中华台北林郁婷的女拳手
IBA is to award Angela Carini of Italy with Olympic champion prize money
August 2nd, 2024 / IBA
International Boxing Association (IBA) will award Angela Carini, who abandoned t
he fight against Algeria’s Imane Khelif at Paris 2024 Games after 46 seconds of
the first round, the IBA prize money as if she were an Olympic champion, Presid
ent Umar Kremlev claimed.
Carini refused to continue the fight against Khelif from the last 16 in Paris, a
s she mentioned that she wasn’t able to continue.
‘I couldn’t look at her tears,’ President Kremlev said. ‘I am not indifferen
t to such situations, and I can assure that we will protect each boxer. I do not
understand why they kill women’s boxing. Only eligible athletes should compete
in the ring for the sake of safety.’
Kremlev also said that IBA will support Sitora Turdibekova of Uzbekistan. Today
Turdibekova unanimously lost to Lin Yu-ting from Chinese Taipei, who was also de
emed ineligible by the IBA back in 2023.
In May, the IBA leadership took a bold decision to award all Olympic champions
and medallists of Paris 2024 allotted prize money. The unprecedented move in the
history of the sport is aimed at supporting the athletes, coaches, and National
Federations, as well as underpining IBA’s commitment to delivering the best su
pport for its athletes, based on their hard work and dedication to the sport of
As stated, all Paris gold medallists in the boxing tournament will receive a sub
stantial financial reward of $100,000. Out of this amount, the athlete will rece
ive $50,000, their National Federation will receive $25,000, and their coach wil
l receive $25,000. For a silver medal, $50,000 prize money will be awarded, with
the athlete receiving $25,000, and the remaining $25,000 being distributed even
ly between the coach and the National Federation. For a bronze medal, we will pr
ovide $25,000, of which $12,500 will go to the athlete, and $12,500 will again b
e distributed evenly. Additionally, athletes who lost in the quarterfinals and f
inished 5th, will each receive $10,000 from IBA, making the total prize money fu
nd commitment equalling more than $3.1 million USD distributed to over 100 boxer
2024 年 8 月 2 日 / IBA
国际拳击协会(IBA) 主席奥马尔·克雷姆列夫(Umar Kremlev) 表示,国际拳击协会(IBA)
将向安吉拉·卡里尼(Angela Carini) 颁发IBA 奖金,就像她是奥运会冠军一样。
“我无法看到她的眼泪,”克雷姆列夫主席说。 “我对这种情况并非无动于衷,我可以
保证我们会保护每一位拳击手。 我不明白他们为什么要扼杀女子拳击。 为了安全起见,只
克雷姆列夫也表示,IBA将资助乌兹别克斯坦的图尔迪别科娃(Sitora Turdibekova)
。 今天Sitora Turdibekova以一致判决输给了来自中华台北的林郁婷,而林郁婷在2023年
今年 5 月,IBA 领导层做出了一项大胆决定,向所有 2024 年巴黎奥运冠军和奖牌得主
颁发奖金。 这项运动历史上前所未有的举措旨在支持运动员、教练和国家联合会,并巩固
IBA 的承诺,即根据运动员的辛勤工作和对拳击运动的奉献精神,为他们提供最好的支持。
如上所述,所有参加拳击锦标赛的巴黎金牌得主都将获得10万美元的丰厚奖金。 其中,运
动员将获得 50,000 美元,其国家联合会将获得 25,000 美元,教练将获得 25,000 美元。
获得银牌的奖金为 50,000 美元,运动员获得 25,000 美元,其余 25,000 美元由教练和
国家联合会平均分配。 对于铜牌,我们将提供 25,000 美元,其中 12,500 美元将给予运
动员,12,500 美元将再次平均分配。 此外,在四分之一决赛中失利并获得第五名的运动员
将每人获得 IBA 的 10,000 美元,使得奖金基金承诺总额超过 310 万美元
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