A6 (çŸID真好)
2024-05-06 15:52:05※ 引述《jal0309 (jal0309)》之铭言:
: 1.媒体来源:自由
: 2.记者署名:洪臣宏
: 3.完整新闻标题:新内阁遭讽“败选联盟3.0” 陈建仁:跨业界最好组合
: 4.完整新闻内文:
: 〔记者洪臣宏/高雄报导〕赖政府陆续公布新内阁人选,遭蓝营立委讥讽为“败选联盟
: 3.0”,行政院长陈建仁今天说,选举失败并不能抹煞一个人的成就,他以柯文哲、朱立
: 伦为例,败选仍领导政党为台湾做出贡献,他认为新内阁是跨业界最好的组合,大家都有
: 很高的期待。
对此 吴思瑶最爱的欧洲商会评论道
Just like Cho, foreign minister-designate Lin has served in a variety of
politically appointed as well as elected positions. Lin lost re-election as
Taichung Mayor in 2018, and he resigned as Minister of the Ministry of
Transportation and Communications following a 2021 train accident. His
elevation to foreign minister proves once again that for Taiwan politicians,
past failures do not inhibit a future in politics. As the foreign minister
always meets visiting European parliamentarians, Lin will play a key role in
advocacy for a Business and Investment Agreement (BIA) between Taiwan and the
European Union.
就算他在2018年选举失利 和2021年的台铁事故辞职后