Re: [新闻] 美学者:没核能台湾能源没弹性 将被迫屈服

楼主: icrose (嗯,咳咳)   2024-01-17 09:56:19
※ 引述《ptt987654321 (大谷躺平)》之铭言:
y: its knees very quickly with a relatively, you know, limited effort coercively
: by the People's Republic of Taiwan.And I just have to say this, I know it's
: going to be a very controversial statement, I know it's difficult to hear,
: there is, we've spent a lot of time looking at this in our working group at
: the Hoover Institution, I don't see any way that Taiwan can achieve the
: energy resilience it needs without a nuclear power。’
: 戴雅门也指出,核能是减少碳排最干净的能源之一,虽然它具有风险,但台湾无法只靠太
: 阳能、地热和其他替代能源。他强调,拜登政府正依循老罗斯福总统的名言“温言在口,
: 大棒在手”(Speak softly and carry a big stick),以此路线,美中双方都要克制行事
: ,不采取挑衅的举动,但同时美国与台湾仍要采取包括军事预备、武器采购、社会组织动
: 员,以让台湾变得更安全、更有保障、更具韧性,而台湾别无选择,必须让自己看来更像
: 以色列,台湾未来的国防现代化与重新定位,将是下一任执政者的巨大挑战。
: 备注
: 哪来的中共同路人啊
: 投票结果告诉你,废核才能抗中保台

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