A6 (çŸID真好)
2023-11-29 20:58:02: 2.虽然F16已经已经抵达乌克兰,但乌军队认为现有雷达系统探测距力达不到乌军需求。乌克
: 兰专家希望将雷达升级为AN/APG-83才能有效对抗俄空军。
: AN/APG-83对空探测距离达120公里,对地探测距离达295公里,对隐身战绩也有一定探测能力
: 。其次AN/APG-83可加强F16多用途能力,可同时追踪20个低慢小的无人机目标。
f16并未到达乌克兰 而是罗马尼亚
Russia Offered to End War in 2022 If Ukraine Scrapped NATO Ambitions –
Zelensky Party Chief
David Arahamiya, leader of the President's “Servant of the People” party
and head of the Ukrainian delegation during last year’s talks with Russia,
has revealed that Russia proposed ending the war in spring 2022 on the
condition that Ukraine abandon its NATO aspirations and adopt a neutral
“They really hoped almost to the last that they would put the squeeze on us
to sign such an agreement so that we would take neutrality. It was the
biggest thing for them,” Arahamiya said in an interview with Ukrainian
journalist Natalia Moseychuk.
“They were ready to end the war if we took – as Finland once did –
neutrality and made commitments that we would not join NATO. This was the key
point,” he added.
Speaking further and explaining Kyiv's refusal to accept the proposal,
Arakhamia said that it would require a constitutional change, given that
Ukraine’s Constitution states its intention to become a NATO member.
Additionally, he emphasized a lack of trust in the Russian position.
"There is no, and there was no, trust in the Russians that they would do it.
That could only be done if there were security guarantees."
Arahamiya clarified that signing such an agreement without guarantees would
have left Ukraine vulnerable to a second incursion.
“They would have come in more prepared, because they came in, in fact,
unprepared for such resistance,” Arakhamia said.
According to the lawmaker, while another round of talks was underway in
Istanbul, Boris Johnson unexpectedly came to Kyiv on April 9 and said that
Ukraine "shouldn't sign anything with them at all – and let's just fight."
去年在土耳其谈判的时候 只要乌克兰承诺不加入北约 双方就可进行和谈
但是因为英国首相 突访 说乌克兰应该打下去
喔 说这段话的是人民公仆党主席David Arahamiya