[新闻] 巴西发现新的纯天然大麻酚来源

楼主: STAV72 (刁民党党务主委)   2023-10-27 10:44:21
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外媒 Express Healthcare Management
October 27, 2023 Sandeep Kunchikor
New Potential Source of CBD Discovered in Brazil
New Potential Source of CBD Discovered in Brazil
October 27, 2023Sandeep Kunchikor
Scientists have made an exciting discovery in Brazil, uncovering a new
potential source of cannabidiol (CBD) in a common plant. CBD, a compound
found in cannabis, has been gaining popularity for its potential medical
benefits. The team of researchers, led by molecular biologist Rodrigo Moura
Neto of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, found CBD in the fruits and
flowers of the Trema micrantha blume plant, a shrub that is abundant
throughout Brazil.
巴西发现 CBD 的新潜在来源
2023 年 10 月 27 日桑迪普·昆奇科尔
科学家在巴西取得了令人兴奋的发现,在一种常见植物中发现了大麻二酚 (CBD) 的新潜
在来源。CBD 是大麻中发现的一种化合物,因其潜在的医疗益处而越来越受欢迎。由里约
热内卢联邦大学分子生物学家 Rodrigo Moura Neto 领导的研究小组在 Trema
micrantha blume 植物的果实和花朵中发现了 CBD,这种灌木在巴西各地都很丰富。
CBD is known for its therapeutic properties and is increasingly used to treat
various conditions such as epilepsy, chronic pain, and anxiety. However, the
legality and regulatory restrictions surrounding cannabis have posed
challenges for accessing CBD in many places, including Brazil.
CBD 以其治疗特性而闻名,并越来越多地用于治疗癫痫、慢性疼痛和焦虑等各种疾病。然
而,围绕大麻的合法性和监管限制给包括巴西在内的许多地方获取 CBD 带来了挑战。
The discovery of CBD in the Trema plant opens up potential new avenues for
producing this highly sought-after compound without the legal and regulatory
hurdles associated with cannabis. Notably, the researchers found that Trema
contains CBD but not tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component
that gives users a “high” sensation.
在 Trema 中发现的 CBD 开辟了生产这种备受追捧的化合物的潜在新途径,且不受与大
麻相关的法律和监管障碍。值得注意的是,研究人员发现 Trema 含有 CBD,但不含四氢
大麻酚 (THC),后者是一种给使用者带来“兴奋”感觉的精神活性成分。
“This is a plant that grows all over Brazil. It would be a simpler and
cheaper source of cannabidiol,” said Neto, highlighting the advantages of
utilizing Trema as an alternative to cannabis.
Neto 说道,并强调了利用 Trema 作为大麻替代品的优势。
While previous studies have found CBD in related plants, this discovery
offers a new and abundant source of the compound. Neto plans to scale up his
study to develop effective methods for extracting CBD from the Trema plant,
and further analyze its potential uses in patients with conditions currently
treated with medical cannabis.
虽然先前的研究已经在相关植物中发现了 CBD,但这项发现为该化合物提供了新的丰富来
源。Neto 计划扩大研究规模,开发从 Trema 植物中提取 CBD 的有效方法,并进一步分
The global CBD market has been rapidly growing, driven by increasing demand
for health and wellness products. A market analysis firm estimated the value
of the CBD market at nearly US$5 billion in 2023, with projections of it
reaching over US$47 billion by 2028.
在健康和保健产品需求不断增长的推动下,全球 CBD 市场一直在快速成长。一家市场分
析公司估计 2023 年 CBD 市值将接近 50 亿美元,预计到 2028 年将达到 470 亿美元以
The exploration of alternative sources of CBD, such as the Trema plant, could
potentially contribute to the development of more accessible and affordable
CBD-based treatments, benefiting individuals in need around the world.
对 CBD 替代来源(例如 Trema 植物)的探索可能有助于开发更容易获得和负担得起的基
于 CBD 的治疗方法,使世界各地有需要的个人受益。
Frequently Asked Questions
What is CBD?
CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis plants. Unlike
THC, CBD does not produce psychoactive effects and is often used for its
potential therapeutic properties.
CBD 是大麻二酚的缩写,是大麻植物中发现的一种化合物。与 THC 不同,CBD 不会产生
What are the medical uses of CBD?
CBD has been used to treat various conditions, including epilepsy, chronic
pain, anxiety, and more. However, research is still ongoing to fully
understand its effectiveness for these medical purposes.
CBD 有哪些医疗用途?
CBD 已被用于治疗多种疾病,包括癫痫、慢性疼痛、焦虑等。然而,研究仍在进行中,以
Is CBD legal?
The legality of CBD varies from country to country. While some regions have
legalized CBD for medical or recreational use, it remains restricted or
illegal in other areas. It is important to check the local laws and
regulations before using or purchasing CBD products.
CBD 的合法性因国家而异。虽然一些地区已将 CBD 用于医疗或娱乐用途合法化,但在其
他地区仍然受到限制或非法。在使用或购买 CBD 产品之前,了解当地的法律法规非常重
What are the potential advantages of finding CBD in the Trema plant?
The discovery of CBD in the Trema plant could offer a legal and abundant
source of the compound without the legal and regulatory restrictions
associated with cannabis. This could potentially lead to more accessible and
affordable CBD-based treatments for various medical conditions.
在 Trema 中发现 CBD 有哪些潜在优势?
Trema 植物中发现的 CBD 可以提供合法且丰富的化合物来源,而不受与大麻相关的法律
和监管限制。这可能会为各种医疗状况带来更容易获得和负担得起的基于 CBD 的治疗方
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