[新闻] 比利时首都布鲁塞尔发生街头枪击

楼主: oopscrap (kk)   2023-10-17 04:22:47
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1.媒体来源:ABC NEWS
2.记者署名:ABC NEWS
3.完整新闻标题: Two people dead and suspect on the run after shooting in Belgi
an capital Brussels
4.完整新闻内文: Two people were killed in a shooting late Monday in central Br
ussels, Belgian police said.
The shooting took place in the capital's northern districts at around 7pm loca
l time.
Media reports aired amateur videos showing a man with a large weapon shooting
several times near a station.
Belgian broadcasters said the two victims were Swedes.
The Swedish national soccer team was scheduled to play Belgium at Heysel Stadi
um later in the evening, some 5 kilometres away.
Police spokeswoman Ilse Vande Keere said officers arrived soon at the scene, a
nd sealed off the immediate neighbourhood. She declined to elaborate on the ci
rcumstances of the shooting.
A federal prosecutor was probing whether there was any possible terrorist moti
vation for the attack.
The shooting came at a time of increased vigilance linked to the ongoing Israe
l-Gaza war that has heightened tension in several European nations.
The Belgian capital has also been the scene of increased violence linked to in
ternational drug trafficking.
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