Re: [爆卦] 乌克兰指控匈牙利与俄罗斯利用ROC交易战俘

楼主: A6 (短ID真好)   2023-06-15 13:44:42
※ 引述《A6 (短ID真好)》之铭言:
: 为什么乌克兰人要在匈牙利开记者会 而且匈牙利会接受乌克兰战俘
: 因为这些是乌克兰与匈牙利争议地区的匈牙利族
: 同时具有匈牙利籍 在离境时被征招入伍
后来我查了一下 Transcarpathia 地区 大约有14万匈牙利族
但是在2017年乌克兰法案 强迫所有学校只准教国语
这法案原本是针对俄罗斯语地区 也就是这次争议的乌东地区
但是同样的关闭了位于 Transcarpathia 的匈牙利语学校
今年夏天有份威尼斯针对乌克兰对少数民族人权报告 可能会出
匈牙利作为回应 欧班大公(匈牙利总统) 扩大解释匈牙利国籍法
授予Transcarpathia 地区 匈牙利族 匈牙利公民身分
今年一月 更移除Transcarpathia 部分建筑物上的匈牙利国旗
和现在的俄乌战争起因 乌东俄语居民面临的问题差不多
匈牙利的对应 也和俄罗斯差不多 甚至匈乌军队在边境对峙
只不过 匈牙利最后没出兵
1. 乌克兰2023年的移民新规定 规定乌克兰语 为移民条件唯一语言
2. 乌克兰欧班大公 去年在世界杯期间 因为配戴的围巾
3. 匈乌边境 不允许匈牙利护照通过 只允许有乌克兰护照的公民通过
Transcarpathia is a region in Western Ukraine that shares a border with
Hungary, home to 96.8% of the 140,000 Hungarians living in Ukraine and 98.2%
of those that speak Hungarian as a native language.
Following Ukrainians (80.5%) in this region, Hungarians are the largest
community (12%). Over the last decade, there have been heated debates
between the two countries on the rights of the Hungarian ethnic minority in
Transcarpathia, eventually leading to Hungary blocking Ukraine’s NATO
The language question
In 2017, the Ukrainian Parliament passed a Law on Education which limited the
existing rights of ethnic minorities to be educated in their native language.
Two years later, a new State Language Law was adopted, proclaiming that the
Ukrainian language was compulsory in all spheres of public life.
Even though the main objective of the new language legislation was to tackle
the Russian influence in Eastern Ukraine, it has also raised concerns.
In 2019, the Venice Commission, the Council of Europe’s top advisory body on
constitutional matters, said several of the law’s articles “failed to
strike a fair balance” between promoting the Ukrainian language and
safeguarding minorities’ linguistic rights.
In January 2023, the national flags of Hungary were taken down from the
public buildings in several settlements, including the Transcarpathian town
of Munkács (Mukachevo), and the employment of some teachers affiliated with
the Subcarpathian Hungarian Cultural Association (KMKSZ) was terminated.
The Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs State Secretary Tamás Menczer
condemned the incident in January, stressing that these events are “
“We do not exactly understand how anti-Hungarian decisions and measures help
Ukraine in the war against Russia”, – he wrote on Facebook.
Currently, not all Hungarians in Transcarpathia can study in their language.
The lack of Hungarian kindergartens and schools in some settlements plays a
significant role in that, and the higher the level of education, the more
Hungarian children and youngsters are forced to study in the state’s
official language.
However, the Ukrainian State Language Protection Commissioner Taras Kremin’
identified “a lack of classes with Ukrainian as the only language of
instruction in some districts of Transcarpathia”, which violates Ukrainian
He also noted that education in the language of ethnic minorities is not
foreseen in Ukrainian legislation, but instead, “Separate classes(groups)
teaching in the language of the national minorities should be established
along with the classes in Ukrainian. The number and teaching hours of the
subjects taught in Ukrainian should be gradually increased.”
The Ukraine’s renewed and exacerbated concern about the only state language
can be explained by the ongoing war with Russia.
At the end of 2022, at the EFNIL International Conference, Ukraine presented
a report on the Russian policy of “linguicide”, reminding that the
Ukrainian language has been systematically banned and suppressed.
For Ukraine, the 2019 Law on the State Language finally introduced effective
legal and institutional mechanisms to ensure the state status of Ukrainian.
对了 当然匈牙利还是很讲义气的 提供砲弹给乌克兰

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