Re: [问卦] 乌克兰征兵征到57岁了?

楼主: A6 (短ID真好)   2023-06-14 01:08:57
※ 引述《A6 (短ID真好)》之铭言:
: 乌克兰这几天有新闻
: 现在乌克兰计画要将预备役的年龄 从27下降到25
: 评论大概有乌克兰人解释了 影响是什么 我看他的意思大概是
: 以前27岁以下役男 在完成训练之前是不能直接派上前线的
: 超过27岁会被自动视为预备役动员 可上前线
: 现在这个年龄计画下修到25
: 也就是超过25岁 不管有没有接受过完整的军事训练 都有可能会上前线
乌克兰乐团 ban junket

因为有团员下火车后先迈左脚 被敖德萨征兵处的人带走

团长还发了篇 抨击敖德萨征兵处蛮横行为的文章
不过可能团长怕自己也入伍 所以后来删除了


又害怕 删了 刚我我在写这篇 截到 ㄎㄎ )

刚刚估歌翻的意思是 团员被分配到59摩托旅
(全文 刚好我用翻译复制到 我放最后 有兴趣的自己去翻译)
我知道上面一堆俄乌文 看的很头晕
所以 来了亲切的英文新闻
The artists came to the south of Ukraine to play a charity concert, and ended
up in the Military Commissariat
In Odessa issued summonses musicians of the Kyiv band Junket. They were
detained near the railway station and sent to undergo a military medical
examination. Now the artists have to be sent to the army.
This was reported by a band member Dmytro Sazonov on Facebook.
As Sazonov said, the band Junket came to Odesa by train to play a charity
concert and raise funds for victims in the Kherson region.
After the musicians got off the train, they were detained almost immediately.
According to Sazonovo, it happened when they were crossing the road.
"A patrolman appeared and asked for documents, for some reason he was
surprised that we were from Kyiv and with a concert (we told him about the
purpose of our visit), for some reason he compared us to Odessa clubs like
"Ibiza" and said that there is a war in the country, but we are here with
your music" – said Sazonov.
Then people in military uniform appeared. Since Dmytro Sazonov had a document
on postponement, he was released. Other musicians were taken by bus to the
According to the musician, his colleagues, who were taken to the Military
Commissariat, did not communicate for some time, because their phones were
taken away. Then the "detainees" passed the VLK. The medical commission
issued an opinion on fitness for service.
"Then they handed over their phones and said that in half an hour they were
leaving for training with the elite unit of the airborne assault troops." –
said the leader of Junket.
Sazonov that his colleagues were not at all ready for the fact that they
would be sent to the army in an instant, they did not even have "basic
hygiene items" on them. The musician also emphasized that he was outraged by
the work of the TCC in Odessa.
"Everyone knows, based on rumors and some facts, how Odessa TCCs work. Of
course, such statements are out of time, but estates in Spain and expensive
cars come to mind. This is all wrong and should not be like this in a country
that strives to be in the house of European values", – added the artist.
At the same time, Dmytro Sazonov stated that the delivery of summonses is a
completely normal process during the war, because artists do not have the
right to a postponement only because of their profession, and many of them
have already put on the pixel uniform.
Earlier we wrote about how to act if sent to the front without training and
equipment . We also told that in the summer can mobilize another category of
: 然后评论第一条
: С 20 до 30 для всех и для баб, когда война до 50
: с детьми в первую очередь) кто согласен?не
: т дискриминации мужиков!
: 大意
: 他妈的 女人怎么不用上战场 这是歧视女性
: ㄎㄎ
Друз привh.
те, що сталося в Одесз Junket, стало, напевн
о, одним з найсильнnих урокW в моbу житт
Своbи висловами ми ненавмисно образили в
_ськових, яких ми по-справжньому поважаb
о, пYтримуbо намагались допомогати вес
ь час як могли. Мендуже болить за це, я щ
иро прошу вибачення.
Ця gторu дала мензрозумhи значення сл
W gвYом, WYповYальнgтьта досвд вYчути на власн_ шкf як працюcфор
мац_на в_на, як будь-який необдуманий ем
оц_ний вислW може використати на свою ко
ристь ворог. бути причетним до цього було п
ринизливо огидно…
щодо самоситуац, то, звgно ж, я не пого
джуюсь з дuми одеського тцк вважаю k ме
тоди неприпустимими та компрометуючими. Я
кби я мX щось змcити втb у своk/наших д
uх, я б це зробив, але я визнаю, що ми наплу
жили з обл`ом дозволили емоцuм взяти г
По пацанам: в них все добре, про це вони вY
звhували вчора, тому не переживайте. Вони
пройшли комплектацt, отримали документи
одразу взялися до виконання завдань за ф
ахом у 59 окрема мотопkотна бригада bен
Якова Гандзюка
Вfю знаю, що чуваки принесуть там найбa
ьшу користь, яку можуть.
Я k дуже люблю поважаю, бо знаю, що то за
Свою публ`ацt я закрив, бо зробив виснов
ки з того, що сталось, не хочу, аби цей доп
ис, чи як_сь cший, був використаний не на
користь Украcи кимось ще.
Я дякую за пYтримку допомогу, прошу бaь
ше поваги один до одного, бо ми повиннбут
и Yиним цaим, особливо в цчаси.
Об_няв вас усk, бережhь себе своk

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