Re: [新闻] 墨西哥毒枭道歉了! 绑4美国人酿2死:

楼主: usnavyseal (usmarine2008)   2023-03-10 12:49:14
其中一位 Woodard有5项毒品前科,包跨制作毒品及意图贩售
It included their names, birthdays and addresses, and details of criminal
records. Among them were convictions for drug-related offenses against Brown
and Woodard.
In view of the prior convictions, "it cannot be ruled out that the attack
against (the Americans) could be directly linked to drug trafficking
operations," which their assailants believed the Americans could be carrying
out, the document said.
A Reuters review of South Carolina state records found that Woodard was
convicted five times between 2007 and 2016 of drug crimes. Nearly all were
minor offenses, but they included one of manufacturing banned narcotics with
the intent to distribute.
Brown was convicted twice in 2015 for possessing small amounts of marijuana
or concentrated cannabis, records show.
The records also showed that Williams was in 2017 convicted for the
manufacture and distribution of cocaine, though this was not mentioned in the
Mexican document seen by Reuters.
※ 引述《bluehttp (公鲨小)》之铭言:
: 墨西哥毒枭道歉了! 绑4美国人酿2死:成员自作主张行动
: 2023年03月10日 ETtoday
: 记者张靖榕/综合外电报导
: 墨西哥毒枭误绑4名美国人造成2死2伤,另外还夺走一名无辜墨西哥妇女的生命。案件延
: 烧多日后,毒枭9日疑似释出“道歉信”,并且交出组织内的5名成员给当局。
: 综合外电报导,根据流传的道歉信内容,墨西哥毒枭组织“海湾集团”(Gulf Cartel)
: 针对绑架和杀害美国公民的案件,向马塔摩洛斯(Matamoros)的民众致歉。
: 道歉信接着指出海湾集团谴责这起在3日发生的案件,透露了组织内部的意见分歧,“基
: 于这个原因,我们决定将直接涉案的5个人交出来,他们全程自作主张行动,没有纪律而
: 且违背海湾集团行动的一贯规则。”
: 这些信件内容被拍成照片流传在社群网络上,美国和墨西哥当局尚未证实该封道歉信的真
: 实性,不过墨西哥贩毒集团经常会在大事件曝光后,用类似的方式向当局或竞争对手释出
: 讯息。
: 美国女子华盛顿麦姬(Latavia Washington McGee)3日想跨境,到马塔摩洛斯进行腹部
: 拉皮的整形手术,在表亲伍达德(Shaeed Woodard)、朋友威廉斯(Eric Williams)以
: 及布朗(Zindell Brown)共3名亲友陪同下出发,没想到在当地迷路后被墨西哥毒枭盯上
: ,直接在街头开枪扫射后绑走他们一行人,过程中流弹还杀死了一名无辜的妇女。
: 塔茅利巴斯州长比利亚雷亚尔(Américo Villarreal)表示,警方于7日在马塔摩洛斯一
: 幢木屋内寻获4人,也成功逮捕1名看守木屋的嫌疑人。不幸的是,伍达德及布朗已经死亡
: ,而威廉斯腿部中3枪、华盛顿麦姬则是毫发无伤。
: 备注:
: 毒枭: 拍谢,成员绑错人了

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