你的英文水准很低 笑死
不要看到sanction就想到制裁 被害妄想症吗?
如果你看到后面的 to induce ...就会知道这个sanction不是制裁
sanction有另一个意思: 批准、核可 托福菜鸡初级单字而已
不要说我豪洨 不认同的自己去查韦氏字典 你要说韦氏是绿的我也没办法
英文烂没关系 但是不要出来show英文烂 = =
※ 引述《a1e (我上了贼船了囧)》之铭言:
: 美国都有战研所的成员讲说,你台湾再不知好歹加强军备搞不对称战术
: 我大美利坚就要制裁你台湾了
: https://twitter.com/ElbridgeColby/status/1631668680764293120?s=20
: I completely agree.
: I also support targeted sanctions to induce Taiwan to move toward asymmetric
: defense. Taiwan is important. Americans would die in its defense. Ergo we
: should do everything needed to get them to build a strong defense.
: ==================================================
: 这人是谁,自己看简介
: https://www.themarathoninitiative.org/elbridge-colby/
: Colby is a recipient of the Distinguished and Exceptional Public Service
: Awards from the Department of Defense and of the Superior and Meritorious
: Honor Awards from the Department of State. A member of the Council on Foreign
: Relations and the International Institute of Strategic Studies, Colby is a
: graduate of Harvard College and Yale Law School.
: ============================
: 为了美国爸爸的千秋万世霸业,准备好献出你的钞票和你的命吧