※ 引述《duppy (小佳)》之铭言:
: 陈建仁论文抄来的?招名威叹:抄袭可成为美国科学院院士吗?
: 新任行政院院长陈建仁因接任后仍保留中研院终身月领49万权利,不断遭蓝营人士批评是
: 中研院的“米虫”。同样身为中原大学教授的毒理专家招名威表示,陈建仁的学术是身为
: 教授的人一辈子的梦想,却被称为“米虫”,还说陈建仁抄袭论文,让招名威不禁在脸书
: 上大叹“有听过论文抄袭可以抄到变美国科学院院士的吗?”
你好 我刚好前两年有听过
Carlo M. Croce 卡尔洛·克罗切
Brief Bio
Dr. Carlo-Maria Croce obtained a MD degree from the University of Roma
(Italy) in 1969 and pursued his curriculum in the USA. He is now Professor
and Chair of Molecular Virology, Immunology and Medical Genetics and Director
of the Institute of Genetics at The Ohio State University, Columbus. Dr.
Croce is world-renowned for his contributions on the genetic mechanisms
implicated in the pathogenesis of human cancer. He is a member of the
National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, and American Academy of
Arts and Sciences. He has published over 1000 papers.
Exclusive: investigators found plagiarism and data falsification in work from
prominent cancer lab
Ohio State University investigations identified misconduct by two scientists
in lab of high-profile cancer researcher Carlo Croce. The university has
cleared Croce of misconduct, but disciplined him over management problems.