[爆卦] UFC老板白大拿被拍到打老婆

楼主: link5566 (连结56 连接你我)   2023-01-03 12:25:01
综合格斗最高殿堂UFC的老板 Dana White aka 白大拿
跨年开趴时被老婆搧巴掌失去理智 现场表演修剪盆栽
White said that the entire incident lasted less than a minute, and he and his
wife reconciled afterward and. remained on vacation together in Mexico.
大拿:我只花不到一分钟就KO她(X) 只打了一下子就和好(O),然后我们继续去墨西哥玩
“There was definitely a lot of alcohol involved, but that’s no excuse,”
White said. “I literally am making no excuses for this at all. It’s never
happened before. It’s the first time that it’s ever happened, and people
are going to say what they’re going to say. It is what it is, and whatever
people do say is deserved. I deserve it. It happened. I don’t know why it
“My wife and I have apologized to each other. We’ve apologized to our kids,
and this is one of those things where everybody is going to chime in. I could
care less what anybody else thinks about this. Right now what we’re more
concerned about are our kids and taking care of our family. That was the
beginning of it and the end of it. We’re still on vacation. We’re obviously
best friends, she’s my wife and we had too much to drink, and whatever
happened that night happened. That was it and it was done.”

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