※ 引述《iso2288 (儒表道骨佛心)》之铭言:
: https://imgur.com/a/bzx6AOR
: U.S. and allies quietly prepare for a Ukrainian government-in-exile and a
: long insurgency
: 美国及其盟友悄悄地为乌克兰流亡政府和长期叛乱做准备
: 以下摘录其中一段
: https://imgur.com/pRmTZz9
: The ways that Western countries would support a Ukrainian resistance are
: beginning to take shape. Officials have been reluctant to discuss detailed
: plans, since they’re premised on a Russian military victory that, however
: likely, hasn’t happened yet. But as a first step, Ukraine’s allies are
: planning for how to help establish and support a government-in-exile, which
: could direct guerrilla operations against Russian occupiers, according to
: several U.S. and European officials.
: 西方国家支持乌克兰抵抗的管道已经开始形成。官员们一直不愿讨论详细的计画,因为这
: 些计画是以俄罗斯军事胜利为前提的,尽管这种胜利可能尚未发生。但几名美国和欧洲官
: 员表示,作为第一步,乌克兰的盟友正在计画如何帮助建立和支持流亡政府,该政府可能
: 会指挥针对俄罗斯占领者的游击行动。
乌克兰势必会被攻破 所以不用整天幻想乌克兰已经打到墨西哥了 没用
俄罗斯很穷了 结果乌克兰可以更穷
穷的国家 大多都是腐败贪污 才会造成经济长期处于低档
10台f35+40台f15sg 可以干爆300台f16 那又怎么会怕俄罗斯呢
不买? 没钱? 怪自己腐败啊 低人均粪国