Re: [新闻] 新西兰的下一个世代起,将“终生禁菸”

楼主: takizawa5566 (本島皇民 滝沢)   2021-12-12 16:24:46
※ 引述《Aotearoa (长白云之乡)》之铭言:
: 重点翻译:新西兰政府预计在2022年提出,
: 立法后,在2027年开始施行的法律,
: 从2027年起,14岁以下的所有国民,
: 将“一生”被禁止购买香菸或菸草制品。
: 健康部长 Ayesha Verrall 表示:
: “我们要确保年轻人们不会尝试开始抽菸。”
: 目前新西兰的成人抽菸率大约 13%,十年前则是 18%。
: 原文:
: New Zealand will ban the sale of tobacco to its next generation, in a bid to
: eventually phase out smoking.
: Anyone born after 2008 will not be able to buy cigarettes or tobacco product
: in their lifetime, under a law expected to be enacted next year.
: "We want to make sure young people never start smoking," Health Minister Dr
: Ayesha Verall said.
: The move is part of a sweeping crackdown on smoking announced by New
: Zealand's health ministry on Thursday.
: Doctors and other health experts in the country have welcomed the
: "world-leading" reforms which will reduce access to tobacco and restrict
: nicotine levels in cigarettes.
: "It will help people quit or switch to less harmful products, and make it
: much less likely that young people get addicted to nicotine," said Prof Jane
: Hook from the University of Otago.
: New Zealand is determined to achieve a national goal of reducing its nationa
: smoking rate to 5% by 2025, with the aim of eventually eliminating it
: altogether.
: Currently, about 13% of New Zealand adults smoke, down from 18% about a
: decade ago. But the rate is much higher - about 31%- among the indigenous
: Maori population who also suffer a higher rate of disease and death.
: New Zealand's health ministry says smoking causes one in four cancers and
: remains the leading cause of preventable death for its five million strong
: population. The industry has been the target of legislators for more than a
: decade now.
: As part of the crackdown announced on Thursday, the government also
: introduced major tobacco controls, including significantly restricting where
: cigarettes can be sold to remove them from supermarkets and corner stores.
: The number of shops authorised to sell cigarettes will be drastically reduce
: to under 500 from about 8,000 now, officials say.
: In recent years, vaping - smoking e-cigarettes which produce a vapour that
: also delivers nicotine - has become far more popular among younger
: generations than cigarettes.
: New Zealand health authorities warn however, that vaping is not harmless.
: Researchers have found hazardous, cancer-causing agents in e-cigarette
: liquids as well.
: But in 2017 the country adopted vaping as a pathway to help smokers quit
: tobacco.

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