Re: [新闻] 蔡英文论文门重大进展?LSE秘藏档案

楼主: PICnow (有图有真相)   2021-11-29 05:21:43
Reference: IC-109451-S1M2
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
Decision notice
Date: 26 November 2021
Public Authority: The Council of the London School of Economics
and Political Science
Address: Houghton Street
Complainant: Mr Michael Richardson
Address: [email protected]
Decision (including any steps ordered)
1.The complainant has requested the names of the examiners who
examined the then-Miss Tsai Ing-wen (now President of Taiwan)
for her PhD and the report from her viva.
The Council of the London School of Economics and Political
Science ("the LSE") denied holding the requested information.
2.The Commissioner's decision is that, on the balance of
probabilities, the LSE does not hold the requested information.
3. The Commissioner's does not require further steps.
1. 申诉人要求提供蔡小姐(现台湾总统)博士口试之口试委员姓名与报告。
2. 资讯公开委员会之决议如下,基于各种可能性之衡平,
3. 此事到此为止。

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