2.记者署名:ByShoshana Wodinsky
Deepfakes Maybe Not Quite the Political Apocalypse We Feared, MIT Researchers
Ever since we’ve seen deepfakes cropping up across porn, e-commerce, and
literal bank robberies, there’s always been concern that this same tech
could be used to interfere with future elections. Well, according to one new
study, that might be tougher than we thought. Researchers from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have put out a new report
investigating whether political video clips might be more persuasive than
their textual counterparts, and found the answer is... not really.
自从我们看到 Deepfake 被用于色情、电商和银行抢案后,人们一直担心这种技术可能会
“Concerns about video-based political persuasion are prevalent in both
popular and academic circles, predicated on the assumption that video is more
compelling than text,” the researchers wrote in their paper. This is a point
we’ve heard again and again from lawmakers over the years, ever since
deepfakes first popped up on their radar in mid-2019. When Sens. Rob Portman
(R-OH) and Gary Peters (D-MI) introduced the Deepfake Taskforce Act this past
summer, Portman noted in a statement that deepfakes posed a “unique threat”
to national security.
研究中指出“大众和学术界都很担心(Deepfake 的)政治宣传影片,但这个疑虑成立的
前提是,‘影片’这种媒介会比文本更具影响力。”自从 Deepfake 于 2019 年年中问世
以来,我们一次又一次地从立法者那里听到类似的论点。去年夏天,当共和党的 Sens.
Rob Portman 和民主党的 Gary Peters 携手推动《Deepfake 专法》(Deepfakes
Taskforce Act)时,Portman 便在声明中指出,“Deepfake 已经对国家安全构成了‘独
“For most of human history seeing meant believing, but now that is becoming
less and less true thanks to deepfakes,” Portman said at the time. “
Combined with the network effects created by social media, fake videos or
pictures can travel around the world in an instant, tricking citizens.”
“在人类的大部分历史里,我们深信着‘眼见为凭’,但因为 Deepfake 的出现,这种想
法可能越来越不可靠。”Portman 表示“结合社群媒体建构而成的网络扩散效应,假影片
To gauge how effective this tech would be at tricking anyone, the MIT team
conducted two sets of studies, involving close to 7,600 participants total
from around the U.S. Across both studies, these participants were split into
three different groups. In some cases, the first was asked to watch a
randomly selected “politically persuasive” political ad (you can see
examples of what they used here), or a popular political clip on covid-19
that was sourced from YouTube. The second group was given a transcription of
those randomly selected ads and clips, and the third group was given, well,
nothing at all since they were acting as the control group.
为了衡量 Deepfake 这项技术在骗人方面的效果,麻省理工学院的团队进行了两组研究,
包含来自美国各地的 7,600 多名受试者。在这两组研究中,这些受试者被分为三组,给
第一组观看那些极具政治渲染力的广告、或是在 YouTube 上跟 COVID-19 有关的政治影
After that, each member of each group was given a questionnaire asking them
to rate the “believability” of the message they saw or read—specifically,
whether they believed the people in the clip actually made a particular
claim. Then they were asked to rate how much they disagreed with the core
point from whatever persuasive ad they were seeing.
The question these MIT researchers were trying to answer was twofold: Was
seeing actually believing, the way Portman (and countless others) have said?
And if it is, how much could someone’s opinion actually be swayed by video,
or by text?
MIT 的研究人员试图回答两个层次的问题:
人们看到什么,就会真的相信什么吗(这也是 Portman和无数人的说法)?
The result? “Overall, we find that individuals are more likely to believe an
event occurred when it is presented in video versus textual form,” the study
reads. In other words, the results confirmed that, yes, seeing was believing,
as far as the participants were concerned. But when the researchers dug into
the numbers around persuasion, the difference between the two mediums was
barely noticeable, if at all.
As one of the researchers behind the project, Adam Berinsky, noted in a
statement about the work, “[J]ust because video is more believable doesn’t
mean that it can change people’s minds.”
作为该计画的研究人员之一,Adam Berinsky 指出“即使人们会去相信影片的内容,这也
Of course, this study (like all academic studies) comes with a fair share of
caveats. For one, even though 7,600 people is a pretty large sample size, it
might not capture the full range of opinions that every American voter might
have. And as the researchers point out in their piece, the small persuasive
advantage that video has over text might actually be even smaller outside of
a research environment:
当然,这项研究(与所有学术研究一样)也有相当多的侷限。尽管 7,600 人已经是一个
"In both of our studies, the text-based treatments were presented in the form
of a detailed transcript containing an exact replication of the audio output
as well as a comprehensive description of key visual cues. In reality,
politically persuasive writing may be structured quite differently (e.g., as
a news article or opinion piece)."
But even if that’s the case, the study notes that information presented over
video has a unique advantage that text simply doesn’t: A video is more
attention-grabbing and can capture more of an audience than a written report
ever could.
“It’s possible that in real life things are a bit different,” David Rand,
one of the other authors on the study, noted in a statement.
“在现实生活中,情况可能会有所不同”该研究的作者之一 David Rand 指出。
“It’s possible that as you’re scrolling through your newsfeed, video
captures your attention more than text would,” he added. “You might be more
likely to look at it. This doesn’t mean that video is inherently more
persuasive than text—just that it has the potential to reach a wider
In other words: At least as far as this study is concerned, deepfake videos
of a given politician aren’t likely to sway people’s political views more
than a fake news report about that same politician. The only advantage that
video might have is whether you believe what you’re seeing in front of you—
and the number of eyeballs that clip might eventually get.
换句话说,至少就这项研究而言,政治人物的 Deepfake 影片不太可能比假新闻更能影响
人们的政治观点。 影片可能具有的唯一优势在于高点阅率,如此而已。
5.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
简单来说呢,要成立许多政治人物所说“Deepfake 可能被用于伪造政治宣传或政策,导
1. 人们真的会因为看到 Deepfake 影片,就去相信影片里的政治人物有讲过那些话。
2. 并且因为看了这些影片,进而改变自己的政治想法。
但研究显示,即使人们可能会相信亲眼看到的影片(前提 1 成立),也不一定会因此改
变自己的想法(前提 2 不成立)。单就政治影响力上,Deepfake 确实很可怕,但不一定
不过,撇除作为政治宣传的工具,Deepfake 还是有性暴力、性骚扰以及诈欺的问题,这
对这研究有兴趣的可以去啃 MIT 的论文:
Wittenberg, Chloe, Ben M. Tappin, adam berinsky, and David G. Rand. 2020.
“The (minimal) Persuasive Advantage of Political Video over Text.”
PsyArXiv. February 19. doi:10.31234/osf.io/r5yun.