Re: [爆卦] 伊斯兰协会针对塔绿班事件回应

楼主: TouchAgain (谢谢)   2021-08-28 00:53:22
至于是哪些"热心民众"去告知他们 ptt在"嘲讽伊斯兰教"
※ 引述《fttgfd (fttgfd)》之铭言:
: 简单来说,昨天的塔绿班事件使台湾伊斯兰协会出来回应(但台湾伊斯兰事务是中国回教协会处理) ,以下是他们的全文:
: 网址:
: 本会今日(2021年8月27日)得热心民众来信告知,近日国内批踢踢实业坊又充斥“嘲讽穆斯林的一些言论,觉得对于其他宗教的玩笑太超过很恶劣,希望协会这边可以协助以正视听。”
: We have received e-mail today (Aug. 27, 2021) from a warm-hearted person who informed us of the “discussions humiliating and mocking Muslims on Ptt, which is mean and evil making fun of others’ religion. Hopefully, IAT shall do something.”
: 据批踢踢实业坊入口公告:“批踢踢Ptt)O以学术性质为目的,提供各专业学生实习的平台”,此言显然与事实不符。
: According to the official statement on Ptt Website, “Ptt serves the purpose of academy, providing professional students with the platform of internship,” it obviously does not comply with the reality.
: 本会于2017年尝试处理此问题,发现Ptt是不受控管的龙蛇杂处之地,对此问题,本会当时于所属之脸书专页Muslims in Taiwan掀起论战,但杀敌一万自损三千。在这混乱年代,我们不需学习佛教的目莲尊者:“我不入地狱,谁入地狱?”真正的穆斯林要走在光里,远离黑暗和迷雾的道路。Ptt之恶或许就像世上许多存在的恶一样必要,无力遏止,远离就好。
: IAT tried to deal with this issue in 2017 and discovered that Ptt is an uncontrolled place mingled with dragons and vipers. IAT had launched disputes on its FB page, Muslims in Taiwan. However, after killing ten thousands of enemies, you also get hurt for three thousands. In such time of chaos, we need not follow the Buddhist Saint Mulien, “If I don’t go down to hell, who else will do?” Real Muslims shall walk in the light and be away from dark and misty ways. The necessity of the evil of Ptt perhaps
: is like the evil of others in the world. As long as we are not able to stop it, we shall be away from it.
: 阿富汗政局为全球提供新鲜刺激的话题,穆斯林再度成为众矢之的。
: The political situation of Afghan has provided the world with fresh and exciting topics. Muslims have again become the target of everyone.
: 伊斯兰原意是对阿拉的指示拳拳服膺、对既定的事实坦然接受,伊斯兰有独立的律法,以《古兰经》为准则、《圣训》为补充,实践者就是穆斯林。伊斯兰不会改变,但少数人曲解伊斯兰后还自诩为穆斯林,成为世界公敌,他们被嘲笑与攻击是自然的结果。
: Islam means total obedience of Allah’s orders and whole-hearted acceptance of things happened. Islam has its independent Law, regulated byurannd supplemented byadith. Those who practice it are Muslims. Islam shall never change. Few people distort Islam and claim themselves Muslims, making themselves the enemies of the world. It is only natural that they are mocked and attacked.
: 至于被牵连的无辜穆斯林,一方面,我们的冤屈不是枉然,必有正义降临,不是今生就是后世;另一方面,我们要自立自强,唯有穆斯林停止互相攻讦而如实地实践伊斯兰,才能翻转如今全球穆斯林的颓势。
: As for those innocent Muslims who are involved, on the one hand, the injustice we have suffered from is not for free and there shall be justice upon us; if not in this life, in the Hereafter. On the other hand, we shall strengthen ourselves; only when Muslims stop attacking each other and practice Islam steadfastly can this negative situation of Muslims be reversed.
: 先知穆罕默德一则《圣训》提到,天堂河流的一滴水落到地球,则地球永远不再有苦难;地狱河流的一滴水落到地球,则地球永远不再有喜乐。为何阿拉不让天堂这一滴水落到地球?如此一来,祂为何多此一举创造地球?阿拉创造所有人类之前就为每个人打造天堂,经过地球这一趟旅程,才决定你值不值得拥有这天堂。进入天堂,不是靠着强迫他人信奉你的宗教,也不是靠着残害或杀死与你信仰不同的人。阿拉在《古兰经》说,你们要行善止恶并且忍耐,这世上有许多必要之恶,就像海军陆战队结训时经历的天堂路,坚忍是唯一道路:坚定走在光里,宽容活在爱里。
: The Prophet Muhammed has mentioned in one of hisadithhat one drop of the river in Heaven falling on the Earth shall make the whole world happy forever, and one drop of the river in Hell falling on the Earth shall make the whole world suffering forever. Why didn’t Allah allow this dropf Heaveno fall onto the Earth? If like this, why shall He create the Earth? Allah had created a Paradise for each human being before he even created them. Only this journey through the Earth shall decide whether you
: deserve this Paradise or not. It is not by forcing others to believe in your religion to go to Paradise, neither by oppressing or killing those who have different beliefs. Allah has told us inuranhat you should do good deeds and forbid bad deeds and be patient. There are a lot of necessary evils existing on the earth, just like The Way to Paradise the marines have to go through before they pass the session. Perseverance is the only way: walk firmly in the light and live open-mindedly in love.
: 台湾这些看得到的谩骂不可怕,他们就像一杯毒药,远离就好;可怕的是国际上许多英文网站以伊斯兰为名所散布之似是而非的言论,就像滴了几滴毒药的果汁,让人不自觉中毒。
: The mocking and swearing we see in Taiwan are not scary; they are like a cup of poison, we shall just be away from them. The really scary are those English websites spreading unreal information in the name of Islam; they are like a cup of juice with few drops of poison, making people poisoned without knowing it.
: 祝福那些谩骂伊斯兰和嘲笑穆斯林的人,愿你们的心灵早日得到平静。
: We do wish those who swear Islam and humiliate Muslims the best.e hope you find peace in your heart one day.

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