NuCat (骑乌龟去爬山)
2021-07-07 06:54:05我说句比较粗俗的 假设别人说你是猪 你就真的是猪吗? 当然不是了
You are not your job. You are not how much you have in the bank. You are not
the contents of your wallet. You are not your khakis.You are not a beautiful
and unique snowflake.
The things you own, end up owning you. It's only after you've lost
everything that you're free to do anything. Fight Club represents that kind
of freedom.
※ 引述《muse87131 ()》之铭言:
: 台湾根本不是国家
: 中华民国才是,但却是个借尸还魂的畸形国家
: 对历史和宪法稍微有点认识,不可能不知道这点
: 现在美国不支持台独,一堆人才惊觉台湾不是国家?
: 妄想多严重,才会认为台湾是正常国家???