dsrte (把握)
2021-06-30 23:21:25我看真相是我们买区区200万剂,
人口只有 200万人的国家,还真的很难找
连新加坡都比这多, 而且每人要打2~3剂
200万剂是啥小 ? 厂商根本懒得理你,
等别的大单处理完了, 剩下一些散货凑一凑再卖给你们
买200万剂是哪个官员做的决策 ?
出来向大家解释你为什么只买200万剂好吗 ?
你的心路历程是什么 ?
不然我真的怀疑你在炒国产疫苗的股票耶 ?
还有什么疫苗是战略物资说, 所以要自己生产, 这是什么智障理由
战略物资是有那么紧急吗 ? 明天就要被中国放毒入侵了吗 ?
官员这种智商, 怎么很担心
所以欧美国家遇到中国又跪了, 台湾放著给他烂就是了 ?
到时货又没办法交, 是要怪谁 ?
中国自己疫苗很烂, 搞不好都得求着欧美国家卖给他们疫苗,
这样要怎么卡 ? 实在很厉害
※ 引述《ltfG (TFG)》之铭言:
: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2021/06/29/press-gaggle-by-press-secretary-jen-psaki-en-route-la-crosse-wi/
: https://bit.ly/3A97mYt
: Q: And there's this critical meeting today on this sort of, you know, trade
: council with Taiwan. Is there any suggestion at all that the U.S. decision to
: provide as many vaccine doses as were provided to Taiwan is in some way a
: quid pro quo to get access to semiconductors from Taiwan?
: MS. PSAKI: There should not be that suggestion. I will note that they were
: being cut off from access to vaccines. So that was a factor.
: 白宫发言人:我必须提醒大家的事实是台湾在取得疫苗的过程中被阻断