fknm (啊嘶...够了没?)
2021-06-30 01:27:23https://www.ft.com/content/f22f1011-0630-462a-a21e-83bae4523da7
Analysts say a key pattern through which Chinese disinformation in Taiwan
spreads is that fake news or skewed narratives generated by Chinese trolls or
content farms are passed on through Taiwanese private groups on the messaging
app Line or the online discussion board PTT . That is how they find their way
to mainstream Taiwanese media.
"Once a story gets magnified on TV, it seemingly gains legitimacy," said
Libby Lange, a former English speech writer and social media manager for
president Tsai Ing-wen who now studies influence operations at Yale. "The
current outbreak of disinformation in Taiwan is throwing in sharp relief the
problem that journalistic rigour is perhaps not what it could be in the
country. That could be very harmful in these times of heightened tension."
源自中国的假新闻或遭扭曲的消息 → 透过 Line 或是 PTT 传播 → 进入台湾主流媒体