※ 引述 《cutiehoneyzu》 之铭言:
: 以下是陈时中投书于CITY A.M.的原文........
: Taiwan Health Minister: We survived Covid with a handful of deaths, let us
: help build a global healthcare system
: 台湾卫服部长:我们从新冠肺炎疫情中存活下来,只造成少数人死亡,让我们建立全球医疗
: 照护系统
: 2021年5月13日
: Dr. Shih-chung Chen
: 作者:陈时中
: Dr. Shih-chung Chen is the Minister of Health and Welfare for the Republic of
: China (Taiwan)
: 陈时中是台湾卫服部长
: Emerging infectious diseases pose an unceasing threat to global health,
: international economies, trade and tourism. As the world has grown close
: through international aviation and transport, the ability of pandemics to
: spread rapidly has increased. Covid-19, the novel form of pneumonia which
: first emerged in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019 has killed more than 2.7
: million people worldwide.
: 新兴传染病至今仍肆虐全球医疗系统,造成全球经济,贸易及旅游业莫大损失,当全世界越
: 依赖航空当成主要交通工具时,传染病在全世界就传播更快, Covid-19是起源于中国武汉
: 的新型肺炎,在2019年一整年已经杀死全世界270万人
: Taiwan’s geographical proximity to China put it at risk of being one of the
: worst-affected countries. Our experience of fighting the SARS outbreak meant
: Taiwan was hyper-aware of the threat of a pandemic. It also meant we knew
: which alarm bells to ring. On December 31, 2019, before most countries had
: acknowledged the seriousness of the virus in Wuhan, authorities launched an
: enhanced monitoring system, alongside tireless containment efforts since the
: first case in our country on January 21, 2020. As of April this year, there
: had been 1,086 cases and only 11 deaths in Taiwan.
: 台湾因地理环境太接近中国,使台湾容易遭受感染,然而因为台湾有对抗SARS经验,使台湾
: 对传染病有高度堤防,台湾知道警钟何时响起,在2019年12月31日,当全世界得知武汉出现
: 病毒,台湾政府就开始监控,并持续不断预防,从2020年1月21日,直到2021年4月,台湾仅有
: 1086个病例,只有11人死亡
: For the majority of the population, life and work have continued. There were
: 253 days without any cases of domestic transmission between April and
: December 2020.
: 台湾大多数人,仍过正常生活,从2020年4月到12月,有253天,国内没有爆发感染
: We have a robust nationwide infectious disease healthcare network, led and
: overseen by experts across six regions. There are more than 100 secondary
: response hospitals and all twenty-two special municipalities, counties and
: cities have their own primary response hospitals. Within the network, there
: is the legal authority to transfer patients with highly contagious diseases
: to these designated facilities. This was instrumental in protecting our
: health system and our health workers.
: 我们有健全的传染病防治医疗系统,全国六大区域,都有专家指挥,监视国内疫情,国内有
: 100间中级防治医院,全国有22间特殊市立,县立医院,经由这个系统,政府机关可将染疫的
: 病人,迅速送到指定机构医治,这个健全医疗系统,可保障全国医疗及医护安全
: Most of our non-Covid services continued to operate throughout the pandemic.
: To date, there have been only two hospital-associated outbreaks of Covid-19
: in Taiwan and no health professionals have died after contracting the virus.
: 我们的医院目前大部分都还没处理新冠肺炎病患,目前为止,台湾只有两例有医院相关接触
: 史人员感染新冠肺炎,并没有医护人员死于肺炎疫情
: While global economies have shrunk, Taiwan’s GDP growth last year was just
: over 3 per cent, with an even higher growth rate of almost 5 per cent in the
: fourth quarter. Our economy has, for the most part, continued to function and
: thrive. Early on in the pandemic, we swiftly implemented flexible adjustments
: for quarantine, so vessels and aircraft carriers which allow our fisheries,
: offshore wind farms, and air transport industries to continue to operate.
: 当全球经济衰退,去年台湾经济还成长超过3%,甚至第四季还超过5%,我们的经济,目前仍持
: 续运行且兴盛,早在疫情爆发前,我们就实施弹性隔离措施,所以我们的航运,航空业,渔业,
: 及离
: 岸风力发电建设,空运都还持续运行
: The cornerstone of our success, however, was the public’s trust in an
: cooperation with the government’s response to containing Covid-19. We have
: worked tirelessly to balance the public’s right to know and personal privacy
: and freedom. While countries around the world have used the pandemic as a way
: to reign in control and strip the public of crucial data, openness of
: information has been at the core of our response. At no point during the
: pandemic has Taiwan restricted people’s right to free expression, assembly
: or participation in public life. While this was enabled by the low
: transmission of coronavirus in our nation, protecting these freedoms was at
: the core of our aims.
: 我们成功的基石在于,社会大众信任政府处理新冠肺炎疫情,我们公开透明持续告诉人民讯
: 息,并且保护民众隐私及自由,有些国家利用新冠肺炎,作为剥夺人民自由的工具,公开透明
: 让人民了解讯息,是我们的处置方式
: 台湾并无剥夺人民表达意见,让人民有参与公共事务的权利,这促使我们国家新冠肺炎低传
: 染率,保护人民自由是我们的宗旨
: The impact of the pandemic has been felt the most by those who are already
: vulnerable, or lacking quality health care services. The pandemic was able to
: grasp a hold of the world because of our international ties. But it is also
: through our global community that we can root out the vulnerabilities which
: allowed the virus to spread. Taiwan will do its utmost to work with the World
: Health Organization and global health leaders to ensure that all people enjoy
: living and working conditions which promote a healthy life. We will monitor
: health inequalities and advocate for universal access to quality health
: services.
: 大多数国家面对新冠肺炎疫情是脆弱的,缺乏足够医疗,我们或许能用全球团结合作方式战
: 胜新冠肺炎,利用国际团结力量,建立起足够医疗能量,阻止疫情扩散,台湾会尽力与WHO配
: 合,身为全球医疗领导者,我们有必要提升全球医疗系统品质,让人们有更好生活环境,我们
: 注意到全球医疗不平衡,我们希望尽可能提升,改善全球医疗环境
: Taiwan’s response has been one of the world’s success stories, but the
: pillars which enabled this must be available in countries across the world.
: There must be global monitoring and early warning systems to detect the
: threat of future emerging infectious diseases.
: 台湾应对新冠肺炎的成功模式,可以让全世界其他国家参考,全球必须建立一个监测系统,
: 提前预警系统,以防范未来传染病
: We urge the World Health Organisation and the global community to acknowledge
: our contributions to the international community and to include Taiwan in
: international meetings, mechanisms and activities. We will continue to work
: with the rest of the world to ensure that all enjoy the fundamental human
: right to health. Echoing the mantra of the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable
: Development Goals, no one should be left behind.
: 我们呼吁WHO及国际组织认知到台湾对国际社会,并邀请台湾参加国际会议,接受台湾进入
: 国际组织,我们将帮助全世界建立完善医疗系统,并呼应2030年联合国永续发展目标,没人
: 应被抛弃在后
: https://reurl.cc/og92jl
现在英国或WHO 那边有做什么回应吗?
Taiwan can Help!