※ 引述《diyaworld (9487)》之铭言:
: 今天全世界最大焦点:福奇的3200页邮件大曝光
: 里面大致上有提到了制造病毒的方法,结合了爱滋病和SARS、知情不报,疫情期间跟中国CD
: C高福有通信,误导美国川普政府的防疫政策等,加上之前在议会承认有资助中国病毒实验
: 室,这些如果资料属实,是不是还我川爷一个公道了
: https://i.imgur.com/A3SLkXA.jpg
: 3200页邮件原文传送门
: https://bit.ly/3uQc4GB
查了一下 美版Fact Check检视过了
Fact check: No, email to Fauci doesn't contain origin of a 'coronavirus
An email Fauci received in March 2020 with the subject line “Coronavirus
bioweapon production method,” for example, was held up as evidence that the
virus was “created.”
“Only a matter of time before justice,” one commenter wrote in response to
a June 2 Instagram post about the email.
But this email is far from a credible source on COVID-19's origins.
The text of the email is copied word for word from a 2005 study by
researchers at the University of Pennsylvania. The message to Fauci came from
Adam Gaertner, a self-described independent researcher whose website includes
a disclaimer that it shouldn’t be used for medical advice. He is also
pushing a supposed COVID treatment the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
warns "can cause serious harm."
Fauci 于 2020 年 3 月收到的一封电子邮件,主题为“冠状病毒例如,生物武器生产方
伸张正义只是时间问题,”一位评论者写道6 月 2 日关于该电子邮件的 Instagram
但这封电子邮件远非有关 COVID-19 起源的可靠来源。
电子邮件的文本是从 2005 年的一项研究中逐字复制而来的宾夕法尼亚大学的研究人
员。 给福奇的信息来自Adam Gaertner,一位自我描述的独立研究员,其网站包括免
责声明,它不应该用于医疗建议。 他也是美国食品和药物管理局推动所谓的 COVID
ig上的图下方也标注被fact check说资讯可能误导他人
我川没有输 还是继续蹲著吧