※ 引述《snowy5566 (snowy)》之铭言:
: 我哥于前年8 月从印度出境被查获携带超额美金,以致护照被扣,同行共5 人印度官方一
: 以侦查为由不移送法院审判,故一直无法判决,也无法离境,我驻印度代表处人员表示因
: 法问题无法介入,但护照被扣,无法租屋或住宿旅店,请求协助都置之不理,甚至其中一
: 女性被欺辱,在警局自己要自费请翻译,也不提供帮忙,现在疫情这么严重,居无定所,
: 哥目前已有感冒症状,不晓得能撑多久,这已是人命关天的问题了。
: 目前我家人在台湾也有尝试请求外交部亚太司帮忙,但得到的答复也是他们无法处理。
: 实在没有办法了,故po网络上寻求帮助。
: 希望能救救这5 条生命。拜托了。
来自印度第三大的时报社Hindustan Times
标题:5 Chinese nationals caught smuggling American dollars worth Rs. 3.2 crore
DRI officers said the five persons, all of whom are from Taiwan, confessed they are part of a larger syndicate which involves smugglers of foreign-origin gold into India and smuggling the money acquired by selling the gold out of the country.
Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) on Wednesday arrested five Chinese passengers for allegedly trying to smuggle American dollars worth Rs. 3.2 crore out of the country.
DRI officers said the five persons, all of whom are from Taiwan, confessed they are part of a larger syndicate which involves smugglers of foreign-origin gold into India and smuggling the money acquired by selling the gold out of the country.
According to DRI officials, the five suspects, two of whom are women, were intercepted at Terminal 3(T3) of the Indira Gandhi International airport minutes before they were about to depart for Hong Kong. One of the suspects is a civil engineer by profession, they added.
“The passengers were asked to cooperate for a detailed baggage check. While checking their checked-in bags we recovered $4,49,600 equivalent to 3.25 crore. The five were attempting to smuggle the money out of India. The recovered foreign currency was seized and the five Taiwanese passengers were arrested,” an officer, who did not wish to be named, said.
Officers said the suspects told them that they had arrived in New Delhi from Hong Kong last Sunday. “They also confessed that they were part of a larger syndicate involved in smuggling of foreign origin gold into India and then smuggling the money acquired by selling the gold out of the country in form of foreign currency,” the officer said.
Names of the five suspects could not be revealed as the matter is still under investigations, the officer said.
All the five suspects were produced before a court on Thursday by DRI. The suspects were remanded to judicial custody of 14 days.