※ 引述《emperor (派萝派萝得第一)》之铭言:
: 猴猴我看的不是很舒服,最少别在我混的坂道文打这种很容
: 易起争议的暱称可以吗?也不能删你发文,只能这样告知^^"
: 废帝都讲话了 不要不给面子喔 (结果只有自己一个人在起争议)
: 我就问你怕不怕
: 再猴下去我就不客气囉!
大家好~ 大家晚安~ 米娜桑空半蛙~
See, I'm not like Luke Trimble. He had the market cornered on those things.
I never met the guy, but I feel like I've gotten to know him.
The thing is, I can't help wondering what he'd say... if he were standing
here right now.
You know, I think what I think he'd probably tell you; the America represented
in this room... is not the America he died defending.
I think he'd tell you your America is bitter... and cruel...and small.
I know for a fact that his America was big... bigger than you could imagine...
with a wide open heart... where every person has a voice! Even if you don't
like what they have to say.
If he 'were' here, I wonder how you'd respond... if you could explain to him
what happened to his America.