derekhsu (è¯éº—的天下無雙)
2020-11-06 07:46:311.媒体来源:
Ellen Barry
A Missouri election official who worked at the polls despite testing positive has died.
An election official who supervised voting in a suburb of St. Louis despite having tested positive for the coronavirus has died, officials there announced on Thursday, raising concerns for 2,000 voters who passed through the site on Election Day.
The official, an election judge supervisor, worked closely with nine other election workers in St. Charles, which is roughly 25 miles northwest of Missouri’s capital. The authorities have advised them to be tested. They said the supervisor had not come in close contact with voters.
The supervisor — whose name, gender and age were not released — received a positive test result on Oct. 30 from a private lab and was advised to quarantine, but ignored that advice, according to statementrom the county. No cause of death was given for the death.
Kurt Bahr, the county director of elections, toldhe St. Louis Press-Dispatchhat poll workers were expected to wear masks or face shields, but said they had not been asked whether they had tested positive when they reported to work.
当郡选务主管Kurt Bahr 对圣路易新闻快报说,当地选务人员被要求配戴口罩或面罩,但是他们在工作是没有被要求回报是否确诊,
“If we had known anybody was positive, we would have asked them not to work,” he said.
The county election authority in St. Charlesame under scrutinyn September when it sent an email to poll workers aimed at deflecting complaints from voters about not wearing masks.
“Judges and Supervisors, you must keep a face mask near you (on your ear or on a lanyard) but when a voter” complains, the email instructed, “You may act surprised that you don’t have a face mask on properly and then apologize as you put the mask on. Wear your mask correctly until the voter leaves the polling place. Please do this every time a voter says something to you.”
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