Elilai (缅栀花)
2020-10-13 12:47:531.媒体来源: CNN
2.记者署名: Sarah Moon, Stella Chan and Paul LeBlanc
3.完整新闻标题: California authorities send cease and desist to state GOP over
unofficial ballot drop boxes
Washington (CNN)The California Secretary of State and Department of Justice
have sent a cease and desist order to the California Republican Party to
remove unofficial ballot drop boxes placed in at least three counties,
officials announced in a news conference on Monday.
"These unauthorized drop boxes are a disservice to state and local election
administrators who have spent months working on the placement and deployment
of official ballot drop boxes," California Secretary of State Alex Padilla
Images of the unofficial boxes showed that some had been labeled as
"official," Padilla explained, adding that his office received reports of the
unofficial boxes being deployed by the state Republican Party in Fresno, Los
Angeles and Orange counties.
California state law does not allow for the use of unauthorized vote-by-mail
ballot drop boxes. Only county election officials have the authority to
oversee drop boxes and ensure that they're in compliance with the law.
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, however, said Monday that his
office received "disturbing reports" that some Republican Party officials are
not willing to remove the "unofficial" boxes.
California Republican Party spokesman Hector Barajas told CNN in a statement
earlier Monday that the unofficial boxes amounted to an opportunity for
"friends, family, and patrons to drop off their ballot with someone they know
and trust."
"The Democrat anger is overblown when state law allows organizations,
volunteers or campaign workers to collect completed ballots and drop them off
at polling places or election offices," Barajas claimed.
Fresno County GOP Chairman Fred Vanderhoof also maintained that the party
wasn't doing anything wrong in an interview with CNN, alleging without
evidence that the state Democratic Party was ballot harvesting.
"We have a hypocritical situation," he said.
Padilla told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "Prime Time" later Monday that the cease
and desist order has nothing to do with partisan politics and the unofficial
ballot box operation is "wrong no matter who is doing it."
The unofficial boxes, he said, "don't have a chain of custody and we don't
have the requirements or regulations for these fake drop boxes as you do for
the official drop boxes."
"We have a ton of requirements on official drop boxes," he continued. "That's
where we should be driving voters to."
A pastor at the Freedom's Way Baptist Church in Santa Clarita, California,
even encouraged parishioners to use the unofficial ballot boxes on Sunday
after one was placed outside the church.
"Freedom's Way Baptist provides the option to its parishioners to drop off
their ballot in a safe location," Pastor Jerry Cook said.
"Isn't church pretty safe? In a safe location with people they trust rather
than handing it over to a stranger who knocks on their door, which is
something called ballot harvesting."
The installation of unofficial ballot drop boxes comes as President Donald
Trump continues to lean into a conspiratorial message around the US voting
process and mail-in voting in particular ahead of the November election.
While rare instances of voter fraud from mail-in ballots do occur, it is
nowhere near a widespread problem in the US election system.
Mail ballot fraud is exceedingly rare in part because states have systems and
processes in place to prevent forgery, theft and voter fraud. Those systems
would apply to both absentee ballots and mail-in ballots for in-state voters.
5.完整新闻连结 (或短网址): https://tinyurl.com/y632bx5d
这些非官方投票箱是共和党设置的 加州检察单位已经叫共和党收走这些箱子并进行调查
且共和党人表示这些票箱是帮助选民安心投票的 反控民主党才是搞收割选票的作弊仔
各新闻已经陆续改用"unofficial" ballot drop box了 刚刚看到更多直接用fake的