[爆卦] 美国企业可以继续用微信

楼主: saniblue (sanity)   2020-08-30 05:12:52
Trump Administration Reassures Apple, Other Firms on Using WeChat in China
August 21, 2020, 11:03 AM EDTUpdated on辠ugust 21, 2020, 5:31 PM EDT
The Trump administration is privately seeking to reassure U.S. companies includingApple Inc. that they can still do business with the WeChat messaging app in China, according to several people familiar with the matter, two weeks after President Donald Trump ordered a U.S. ban on the Chinese-owned service.
In recent days, senior administration officials have been reaching out to some companies, realizing that the impact of an all-out ban on the popular app, owned by China’sTencent Holdings Ltd., could be devastating for U.S. technology, retail, gaming, telecommunications and other industries, people familiar with the discussions said.
几位知情人士表示,特朗普政府正在私下寻求让包括苹果公司在内的美国公司放心,他们仍可以在中国使用微信通讯应用程序开展业务,这是在唐纳德·特朗普总统下令对中国实施禁令的两周后进行的。拥有的服务。 最近几天,高级管理人员一直在与一些公司联系,意识到全面禁止对中国腾讯控股有限公司拥有的流行应用程序的影响可能对美国技术,零售,游戏,电信造成毁灭性的打击。熟悉讨论的人士说。
Apple is one of the companies that could stand to lose the most from the WeChat ban because China represents a fifth of its sales. Apple also relies on China for a large chunk of its manufacturing, which could be impacted if the Chinese government decided to retaliate.
Representatives for Apple, Treasury and the White House declined to comment. A spokesperson for Tencent, which is one of China’s biggest companies, didn’t respond to requests for comment.
The administration is still working through the technical implications of how to enforce a partial ban on the app, and a key question is whether the White House would allow Apple andAlphabet Inc.’s Google to offer the app in their global app stores outside of the U.S., and if so, where, according to the people, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
苹果是微信禁令中损失最大的公司之一,因为中国占其销售的五分之一。苹果公司的大部分制造业也依赖中国,如果中国政府决定采取报复行动,这可能会受到影响。 苹果,财政部和白宫的代表拒绝置评。中国最大的公司之一腾讯的发言人没有回应置评请求。 美国政府仍在研究如何强制部分禁止该应用程序的技术含义,关键问题是白宫是否允许苹果和Alphabet Inc.的Google在其全球以外的全球应用程序商店中提供该应用程序在美国,如果是这样的话,据不愿透露姓名的人说。
Senior administration officials are deliberating over the scope of the ban ordered by Trump, one of the people said, and the president could ultimately overrule anything they decide.
The administration cited the national security risk of leaving Americans’ personal data exposed to China in announcing the ban earlier this month.
一位知情人士说,高级政府官员正在考虑特朗普下令实施的禁令范围,总统最终可能推翻他们决定的一切。 美国政府在本月早些时候宣布禁令时,列举了将美国人的个人数据暴露给中国的国家安全风险。
The officials expect that WeChat won’t completely vanish in the U.S., but their aim is to prohibit any downloads or updates of the app in the country, according to three of the people.
For example, travelers coming into the U.S. who have WeChat on their phones likely will be able to use the app, but they won’t be able to update it. That means that the WeChat version of a non-U.S. resident staying in the country for a longer period would probably become obsolete over time, the people said.
Trump is escalating his fight with Beijing three months before the November presidential elections and has blamed China for the Covid-19 pandemic.
三位知情人士说,官员们希望微信在美国不会完全消失,但他们的目的是禁止在该国下载或下载该应用程序。 例如,进入美国并在手机上使用微信的旅行者可能可以使用该应用,但无法对其进行更新。知情人士说,这意味着长时间居住在美国的非美国居民的微信版本可能会过时。 特朗普在11月总统选举前三个月,与北京的战斗升级了,并把Covid-19大流行归咎于中国。
High-level administration officials, including Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, economic adviser Larry Kudlow, White House counsel Pat Cipollone and Deputy National Security Adviser Matt Pottinger met Tuesday to discuss the WeChat ban, said two people familiar with the matter.
The discussions follow Trump’s Aug. 6 executive order prohibiting U.S. people and companies from doing business with WeChat from mid-September, which set off alarm bells across U.S. companies with operations in China. WeChat is an indispensable part of doing business in the country and selling products to consumers there, who use the app for everything from buying coffee to airline tickets.
In recent weeks, U.S. companies and their lobbyists went into overdrive, asking staffers in the White House and the Commerce Department about the logistics and intention of the WeChat executive order, according to people familiar with the matter.
两名知情人士说,包括财政部长史蒂文·姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin),经济顾问拉里·库德洛(Larry Kudlow),白宫顾问帕特·西波隆(Pat Cipollone)和国家安全副顾问马特·波廷格(Matt Pottinger)在内的高级行政官员周二开会讨论了微信禁令。 在讨论之前,特朗普于8月6日发布行政命令,禁止美国人民和公司从9月中旬开始与微信开展业务,这在所有在中国开展业务的美国公司敲响了警钟。微信是在该国开展业务并将产品销售给该国消费者的必不可少的部分,消费者使用该应用程序进行从购买咖啡到机票的一切操作。
Representatives from theNational Retail Federation and theRetail Industry Leaders Association, which represents companies such asBest Buy Co.,Target Corp. andLowe’s Cos., are among the lobbyists who have raised questions, the people said.
WeChat is the world’s most-popular messaging app, with more than a billion users. Banning the app, even just in the U.S., could shut down personal communications between America and China. It would also disrupt operations of international companies that rely on the app for cross-border business.
“If the business community can’t use WeChat in China, from advertising to processing payments, it’s a short cut to decoupling the two economies,” said Samm Sacks, a fellow at the New America think tank in Washington. Sacks said shutting down the ability to use WeChat in the U.S. will push Americans working with Chinese colleagues and business to mimic the elaborate workarounds that Chinese use to reach the outside internet. “It creates the American version of the Great Firewall.”
Shares of Tencent plunged as much as 10% following Trump’s Aug. 6 executive order, erasing nearly $35 billion in market value as investors worried that the tech conglomerate’s gaming operations and other business interests in the U.S. would be under threat. Tencent holds a large stake in Fortnite makerEpic Games Inc., owns League of Legends developerRiot Games Inc., and has invested inUber Technologies Inc. andSnap Inc.
The next day, the company hired its first lobbyist in Washington, former Treasury Department counselRoberto Gonzalez, according to a federal filing.
A narrower ban would be a relief for Apple, whose iPhone sales would have taken a hit in China. The company’s investors also worried that Trump’s order could prompt China to retaliate against by restricting manufacturing in the country, where Apple makes a large chunk of its products.
知情人士说,来自全国零售业联合会和零售业领袖协会的代表,其中包括百思买公司,塔吉特公司和劳氏公司等公司。 微信是全球最受欢迎的消息传递应用程序,拥有超过十亿的用户。即使仅在美国,禁止使用该应用程序也可能会关闭中美之间的个人通讯。这也将破坏依赖该应用程序进行跨国业务的国际公司的运营。 华盛顿新美国智囊团研究员萨姆·萨克斯(Samm
Sacks)表示:“如果商业团体无法在中国使用微信,从广告到处理付款,这都是将两个经济体脱钩的捷径。”萨克斯表示,关闭在美国使用微信的能力将推动美国人与中国同事和企业合作,以模仿中国人用来访问外部互联网的精心设计的变通方法。 “它创建了美国版的防火墙”。 特朗普在8月6日发布行政命令后,腾讯股价暴跌10%,市值蒸发了近350亿美元,原因是投资者担心科技集团的游戏业务和在美国的其他商业利益将受到威胁。腾讯持有Fortnite制造商Epic Games Inc.的大量股份,拥有《英雄联盟》开发商Riot Games Inc.,并投资了Uber Technologies
Inc.和SnapInc。 根据联邦文件,第二天,该公司聘请了前财政部顾问罗伯托·冈萨雷斯(Roberto Gonzalez)在华盛顿的第一位游说者。 更严格的禁令将减轻苹果的负担,苹果在中国的iPhone销量将受到打击。该公司的投资者还担心,特朗普的命令可能会通过限制苹果生产该国很大一部分产品的生产来促使中国采取报复行动。
作者: mefifthfloor (死胖子)   2020-08-30 05:14:00
作者: tokiki123 (我睡都还没睡醒)   2020-08-30 05:16:00
作者: ah937609 (客兄)   2020-08-30 05:16:00
作者: s971027 (saturday)   2020-08-30 05:17:00
原来中时跟旺报是民进党的狗 学到了
作者: vcvca5566 (vcvca)   2020-08-30 05:17:00
一堆知情人士 都没名字
作者: frfreedom (modenwils)   2020-08-30 05:17:00
作者: sockrover (故事)   2020-08-30 05:17:00
作者: Adevil (鲨鱼卵酷毙了呀!!)   2020-08-30 05:17:00
作者: sockrover (故事)   2020-08-30 05:19:00
作者: songzhen ((#゚Д゚))   2020-08-30 05:22:00
是有多白痴才会说政府封锁消息 脑袋被车辗过去吗
作者: muchu1983 (贝努)   2020-08-30 05:23:00
不一样喔 对岸的新闻很少添油加醋的 非指海外法轮系列
作者: gliga (两个人的加倍幸福)   2020-08-30 05:24:00
作者: herbs88 (草药88)   2020-08-30 05:24:00
作者: jack14002 (空儿)   2020-08-30 05:25:00
北七死 联合报中国时报不是应该大肆报导吗
作者: vericool   2020-08-30 05:25:00
“In China” 低能看不懂吗?
作者: estupid (For What)   2020-08-30 05:25:00
作者: kuijun228 (Daoko小粉丝)   2020-08-30 05:25:00
作者: boogieman (Let the Right One In)   2020-08-30 05:26:00
作者: robertchun (我是大废物)   2020-08-30 05:29:00
作者: njxmzxc (假搞)   2020-08-30 05:29:00
作者: boogieman (Let the Right One In)   2020-08-30 05:29:00
你的水准更让你的最后一段看起来格外讽刺8/23旧文当新闻炒 可怜啊世界比你早走了一个星期 Wechat企业版偷偷改名字了
作者: laba5566 (最爱56家族 啾咪)   2020-08-30 05:31:00
作者: s0914714 (YA)   2020-08-30 05:31:00
作者: loveian16   2020-08-30 05:32:00
这篇是要带风向?风向还带那么慢 真的要笑死
作者: WowProctor (+阿元+)   2020-08-30 05:32:00
作者: doomhammer (流浪大酋长)   2020-08-30 05:33:00
作者: kuijun228 (Daoko小粉丝)   2020-08-30 05:33:00
补个推 免得又被政治脑的发文者贴1450标签
作者: boogieman (Let the Right One In)   2020-08-30 05:35:00
作者: jkl183 (请支持id183化)   2020-08-30 05:35:00
楼主: saniblue (sanity)   2020-08-30 05:38:00
作者: diyaworld (文化土匪)   2020-08-30 05:41:00
作者: BIGETC (参拾西燕)   2020-08-30 05:43:00
作者: Sinful (记忆随时间逝去...)   2020-08-30 05:44:00
作者: hikku (还我无忧的日子)   2020-08-30 05:46:00
作者: nayeonmywife (sanamywife)   2020-08-30 05:59:00
你网址要贴好啊 贴出去了人家当然连不上
作者: youngglasses (今月的夜色真美阿)   2020-08-30 06:05:00
作者: chuegou (chuegou)   2020-08-30 06:28:00
作者: q2825842 (co_iserial)   2020-08-30 06:29:00
作者: s06i06 (三条鱼)   2020-08-30 06:30:00
想打人脸反而丢人现眼 帮QQ
楼主: saniblue (sanity)   2020-08-30 06:33:00
作者: q2825842 (co_iserial)   2020-08-30 06:34:00
作者: bloodyiris (鬼)   2020-08-30 06:48:00
作者: Sinful (记忆随时间逝去...)   2020-08-30 06:51:00
作者: polo5615 (谜糊虫)   2020-08-30 06:54:00
中国限制通用软件 要国外不准限制中国货 很矛盾喔
作者: jganet   2020-08-30 06:59:00
作者: woosa5566 (好爽5566)   2020-08-30 06:59:00
我看不懂英文 但是中必赢 科科
作者: gigongwen (木几冈刂温)   2020-08-30 07:02:00
作者: HsiangMing (乡民)   2020-08-30 07:13:00
作者: yangweiisi (magisopo)   2020-08-30 07:16:00
作者: apflake (笨鸟慢飞)   2020-08-30 07:20:00
作者: hihjktw (hihjk)   2020-08-30 07:35:00
你是不是不看中天 才说政府封锁消息R
作者: mury1414 (mury)   2020-08-30 07:46:00

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