Aurorra (河光)
2020-04-13 13:34:15原文恕删
Errrr ....
To all our friends and friends of friends in Taiwan, a huge thank you to all that you have done, and please know that I’m forever grateful.
We all know we are in this together as one world - and I’m totally grateful for every one which has reached out, advised, pointed the way, and tried their best to help, sometimes successfully and sometimes not.
But that sincere effort and thought, regardless of success or failure, is what I will treasure forever.
And mistakes? Also forgiven, lah!
Meanwhile, errrrr .....
Hugs, everyone, and stop trying to beat each other up in cyber space.
It’s the covid that we should beat, not one by one, not country by country, not flag by flag, because the little bug doesn’t respect any of our prejudices and biases, hopes or fears.
This bug can be beaten, when we all pull together as one, and do what we need to do.
This is the least we can do, to respect all those who have lost their lives already, to help all those still fighting for their lives, and to fully back everyone from cleaner to doctor who are working their butts out so that the rest of us can be safe and well.
Meanwhile, mind the gap, keep our saliva to ourselves, and keep safe.