死五毛还是在玩文字游戏,台湾有没有告知who 人传人根本就不是重点。
简单说,就是提醒你who 有发生类似sars的疾病在中国,你who 要派人去中国查查看,到底是什么疾病。
如果who 没有作任何动作,那现在疫情爆发那么严重是关我们台湾什么事情。
第二,中国官方当时是否有通报who ,
中国有通报的话,那还是who 的疏失,who不去查,关台湾屁事。
中国没有通报的话,那你who 应该是去找中国
引述《deepinheart (心深处)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《BaoLiao5566 (包先生)》之铭言:
: : ※ 引述《lemon7242 (柠檬酸)》之铭言:
: : "News resources today indicate that at least seven atypical pneumonia cases
: : were reported in Wuhan, CHINA. Their health authorities replied to the media
: : that the cases were believed not SARS; however the samples are still under
: : examination, and cases have been isolated for treatment. I would greatly
: : appreciate it if you have relevant information to share with us. Thank you
: : very much in advance for your attention to this matter."
: 你好歹人也在美国,画重点怎么会画 "however"前面那句?
: https://imgur.com/nXKZlzB
: John Snow都用他爸的死学到这课了,你没学到?
: HOWEVER, 前面的句子基本上就是要忽略(有时候甚至是反过来看),
: 这不是基本的文章架构的概念吗?
: 而且昨天就说过了...对, However 前面这些讯息,中国有提供
: WHO 也在5th Jan 2020 发出针对 COVID19 第一篇文章:https://reurl.cc/WdqEyL
: 里面直到 WHO assessment 之前,完全就是中国卫健委的叙述,
: WHO assessment 里面明确说明:目前资讯有限,我们无法判断风险!
: H O W E V E R !!!!!
: WHO Advise 里的建议是...
: WHO advises against the application of any travel or trade restrictions
: on China based on the current information available on this event.
: ????????????????????????????????
: 台湾CDC 发了那封信跟你要资讯,得到你已读不回,然后你给全球的建议是...
: “没事儿、没事儿、可防可控!”
: 更不用说台湾的信里特别提到...
: Their health authorities replied to the media that the cases were
: believed not SARS; HOWEVER!!!!!!!!!!!
: 意思是什么?the cases were believed NOT SARS <