在reddit r/worldnews 版上赞数突破1000
digableplanet / 222 points / 1 hour ago
Thank you Taiwan. You are the real China.
johnruby / 83 points / 3 hours ago
I think Taiwan is one of the few countries having the luck to still be able
to manufacture medical masks while most mask factories in other countries
have already moved to China or Vietnam, since Taiwan has been developing
textile outsourcing industry for many years. Taiwan also suffered from
insufficient mask productivity at first few weeks of the outbreak, but the
government has been trying to transform various types of local factories into
mask factories and now it seems to gain some success.
Not sure if 100,000 masks can make a difference or not tho due to the
uncertainty of the scale of future outbreak. Wish US people the best luck.
EffU2 / 26 points/ 1 hour ago
XSavage19X / 21 points / 2 hours ago
Thank you, Taiwan!
angelamerkelsboner / 24 points / 1 hour ago
Incredible - the US should be the ones able to donate masks, but
unfortunately we are no longer leaders.