※ 引述《Pony5566 (柯粪吃屎)》之铭言:
: 瑞典环保少女 以在联合国记者会上呛一句"蠔爹油"而出名的Greta Thunberg
: 因为前几天Facebook更新出漏洞 让人能够查看在专页后面实际贴文的人是谁
: 而让原本号称文章都是自己写的瑞典环保少女被抓包 其实在背后的贴文的都是她爸 以及
: 一个在联合国工作的印度环保贩子所贴的
: https://i.imgur.com/e9IAqMu.jpg
: https://i.imgur.com/BHehFcJ.png
: 爹粉: 你们这些死宅男只是忌妒人家年纪小就有才华能被联合国看上被邀去演讲喇!! 跟
: 她全家都和联合国跟左派环保贩子关系密切才没有关系咧!!! 蠔爹油!!1!
: ※注:有电视或媒体有报导者,请勿使用爆卦!
: 无重大八卦请勿使用此分类,否则视同滥用爆卦闹板(文章退回、水桶6个月)
: 未满30繁体中文字 水桶3个月
But seeking to dispel any rumours that she had not penned the impassioned
messages herself, Greta reached out to her nearly three million followers on
Sunday, insisting she has wrote every single one of them.
She claimed she has used her father’s personal Facebook page to post some
articles and links.
Others, she said, were posted by Mr Prathap after he had taken them from her
Twitter or Instagram pages.
She said she acts as co-manager of the @gretathunbergsweden page on Facebook,
along with Mr Prathap who founded the page.
Greta said: “Some people have been asking who manages this page.
“First of all, since last spring I only use Facebook to repost what I write
on my Twitter and Instagram accounts.