1. 本校日前已联系交换生,确保其安全无虞,其中1人已回国,另1人与家人讨论中。本
2. 若香港师生愿意,中山大学乐意安排港生随班附读,使其不受政情影响,也欢迎香港
3.欢迎香港师生向本校国际处洽询+886-7-5252000转2635 张小姐
National Sun Yat-sen University statement in response to the emergency situati
on in Hong Kong:
1. NSYSU has already contacted exchange students in Hong Kong to guarantee the
ir safety. One student has returned to Taiwan, the other student might be retu
rning soon. The University will continue to communicate with the partner unive
rsity in the best interests of our students on course credits and on the conti
nuation of their studies back at NSYSU.
2. NSYSU is willing to accept students and teachers from Hong Kong as visiting
scholars for short-term research and cooperation, and let the students contin
ue their studies despite the political situation. The University can provide a
ccommodation for 250 people in the University dorms. 国立中山大学国际事务处 OI
3.For further information, please contact NSYSU Office of International Affair
s: +886-7-5252000, ext. 2635 (Ms. Chang)
#nsysu #hongkong #university #peace #study #partnerschool