Re: [爆卦] 擦屁屁空姐上reddit热门了

楼主: JRSmith (丁尺)   2019-01-26 03:35:50
※ 引述《mean (浪了三年又三年)》之铭言:
: 我早就说了
: 擦屁屁不是空姐的服务内容
: 不管是空姐还是座舱长
: 树叶有专攻
: 擦屁屁应该是护士的专业
: 白人被挞伐
: 就是因为搞不清楚责任分际
: 很白目
: 是不是
: 如果他请护士帮忙擦屁屁
: 今天也不会闹这么大风暴了
: 是不是
: 0.0
I’m a nurse, and you’d be surprised at the number of people who make us
clean them up when they are perfectly capable of doing at least part of it
themselves. I’ve had many people just poop the bed because it’s easier for
them than getting up because then the nurse does all the work getting the
feces out of every fold of back and thigh and pannis fat then changing the
whole bed. It kind of made me laugh because the flight attendant said she was
traumatized... I know, sister. I know.
大概翻译: 我是护士 很多病人明明能自己做却还要我们帮忙 我遇过很多宁愿直接
拉在床上也不想起床 然后我们就要清理病床还有病人的大腿和他的奈米屌
我懂妳受的创伤 真的
Nurses Aid here, can confirm this happens to me almost every day. Some people
are insanely lazy when they can be. Then some people will try to go on their
own when they NEED help because they’re either embarrassed or ‘don’t want
to bother you guys..’ :(
大概翻译: 我也是护士 我能确定这是真的 有些人真的懒到夸张 然后也很多人
明明需要帮忙也不说 只是因为觉得尴尬或是不想麻烦别人:(
记得看到报导 那名肥宅是能自己走路的
作者: wwwson1256 (wwwson1256)   2019-01-26 03:40:00
感觉那些骂空姐的人根本是对岸五毛 要来破坏Ptt的
作者: jetaime851 (jetaime)   2019-01-26 03:44:00
作者: iphone55566 (哀凤五)   2019-01-26 03:52:00
五毛来乱 那也是他的言论自由 反正我不觉得PTT有倾某一方、两派都有人 说反指标不公允就是了
作者: assassin5561 (黑小梦)   2019-01-26 04:22:00

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